Sunday, October 16, 2011

And What about Today?

The Voice of inspiration and Spirit. (Connected to pure Goodness and perfect Trust)
This is a day of stillness, a quiet mind.
This is a day of peace, a contented heart.
This is a day of joy, grateful for a forgiven world.
This is a day of love, celebrating the life you have chosen.

Are you listening?
Are you giving time to connect deep within?
Are you listening to the quiet a place where only Love dwells?
Are you giving your life to Love, to Peace, to the abundance of Joy?

Or are you listening to the outer world of judgment?
Do you believe what you have been taught?
Are you filled with the struggles of history and the knowledge of suffering?
Do you buy into defensiveness, doubt, despair and depression?
The voice of the ego. (Edging Goodness Out)
This is a day to work hard and suffer long.
This is a day to fear what might happen. 
This is a time to protect, defend and depend on nothing.
Trust no one. Protect what you have.  Don’t be too happy.

When we believe in the world of judgment, fear and complexity, we get stuck in it.
When we think we are limited, lacking and victims, we feel frightened, needy and alone.
When we are fixated and demanding, unhappy and conflicted, we are lost.
And when we forgive, erase, undo our learned and limited mind, we can see the light.

When we relinquish the judgments and attacks of our self-made thinking, we hear the Truth within.
When we cease investing in the world of apparency and changing themes, we can listen for Love.
When we undo what isn’t true but only the mis-creations of our collective fear, we can hear.
When we are open and willing, we know and trust the Voice within, where we begin to see what is.

Take time to be happy and you will see the Light within.
Take time to be holy and you will feel your inner Holiness.
Take time to be loving and you will know the Love You Are.
Take time to be peaceful and you will realize the Piece of God in You.

Yes, life is a gift  of choice.  
We can choose to use it to curse and condemn or bless and forgive.
Life is an opportunity to get what we want or give the gifts we have.
We can choose to believe in neediness and poverty or generosity and abundance.

Listen within. 
Follow your heart.
Forgive the past.
Choose again right now.

Happy to be Me being free to Love You,
Betty Lue