There is power in practicing and exercising and strengthening your faith, confidence and Trust.
There is power in remembering to clear all the distractions, detours, disappointments and delays.
There is power in relinquishing all negative perceptions, judgment, fears and resentments.
There is power in taking your foot of the breaks and being wholeheartedly willing to go for it.
Do you want to be powerful?
Do you want to be responsible?
Do you want to be capable?
Do you want to make a difference?
This requires giving up all your excuses, justifications, explanations, demands, complaints and wishes.
This requires letting go of all the fears you have of making mistakes, failing and being judged by others.
This requires a willingness to focus on what you want and ignore what you are avoiding.
This requires a laser-like intention and attention to what has heart and meaning for you each moment.
You see the power is within us, but we have been schooled to rely on external authority, the power of an external God, government, priests, leaders, doctors, lawyers, therapists, judges, parents and anyone other than ourselves.
The age of gurus is past.
See yourSelf, your God Self, your Higher Self, your Holy healed Self, as the expert in your life.
Take time to watch the out-picturing of what you really believe about yourself and your world.
You will not be disappointed because you cannot see other than what you have believed within you.
When you clear your own inner dialogue, erase the archived history in your mental computer and chase away the clouds of despair, you will see clearly and create easily the life you want.
When you know what to do, just do it.
To know you must practice inner knowing by stopping and listening within.
To know you must forgive all the external voices and stop taking others’ advice as being true for you.
Yes, even my Loving Reminders are the Highest Truth I know.
Do not buy them as the only truth, the ultimate truth.
They are my best attempt at offering what I hear from within my Higher Self (some call it Holy Spirit).
When they resonate with you, receive them as my gift of Love, freely given as a Loving Reminder.
If you do not resonate, let them go.
Spend no energy on refuting other’s expressions or projections.
Simply stop and listen to what is true for you.
Always ask for the Highest Truth for you.
The ego, fear-based and personality truth is louder and has more power until you get it to be still and know.
The ego’s advice will seem more powerful, because we have given it power.
The ego’s fears, judgments and projections will seem more real because we have confirmed them with others. The ego’s misperceptions will be proved again and again to be “right” because the ego seeks to evidence.
(FEAR= False Evidence Appearing Real)
We came to learn to live in Love, in appreciation, in Joy and Inner Peace.
We came to create the heaven or paradise we choose for ourselves.
We came to find ourselves in a place just right for us to fully be and express.
We came to know the Power and Presence of Creativity within with thought, words and activities.
When we take full responsibility for what we have and are and will create, we are powerful!
Loving us as one in power and in peace.
Betty Lue
The power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine.--Ephesians 3:20