Saturday, September 03, 2011

Never Quit on Love

When you are upset, forgive and love again.
When you are hurting, forgive and love again.
When you are confused, forgive and love again.
When you are lonely, forgive and love again.

Loving gives us joy.
Loving brings peace.
Loving offers clarity.
Loving is creative.

When we have stepped away from love, we have lost our way.
When we have been distracted by fear, we have been detoured by faulty thinking.
When we have believed the media, we have bought the world’s defensive viewpoint.
When we have gotten lost in complexity, we have left our Source, Love It Self.

How do you love yourself?  
Take care of your body vehicle with rest, fresh air and water, life-giving food and happy activity.
Do what you love and love what you do and say with (and to) your body.
Ingest the best and forget the rest.
Listen to pleasing sounds and look at pleasurable sights.
No more clutter. No more noise. No more ugliness.
Simplify your belongings.
Let go of those which take energy and money to maintain.
Keep those things which give you energy with the joy you receive from them.

Your whole and holy work is to Love Your Whole Self Well!

How do you love others? 

Do not argue, threaten, demand, reject or abandon another.
Do not name call, bully, manipulate or seduce others into complying with your demands.
Treat everyone with respect and dignity, compassion and understanding, trust and gratitude.
Allow others their own life journey without your inter-fear-ance or distraction.
Give others the patience and forgiveness you would want if you were in their shoes.
Show others your Love by granting them the freedom to change and correct their own decisions.
Bless others with your gratitude and true acceptance.
Give others space until you can love and bless them in their own life journey.
Communicate clearly once your requests and then let to.
Offer full attention and listen to others without needing to fix, advise, criticize or correct.
When asked for help, advice, solutions, give generously without judging the past experiences.
Give what you would want to receive with kindness and respect.

Your true vocation is to love others, as you prefer to be loved.

The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.

Betty Lue

Everyone Is A Flower in the Garden of Life

If you would grow to be your best self
Be patient, not demanding
Accepting, not condemning
Nurturing, not withholding
Self-marveling, not belittling
Gently guiding, not pushing & punishing

For you are more sensitive than you know
Mankind is tough as war
Yet delicate as flowers
We can endure agonies
But we open fully only to warmth & light
And our need to grow is fragile as a fragrance
Dispersed by storms of will
To return only when those storms are still

So accept, respect,
Attend your sensitivity

A flower
Cannot be opened
With a hammer
