To share Love and discover the best in You.
How do you relate to the people love?
With kindness, gratitude and respect.
What are you giving and receiving to those people?
The best I have in each moment, with each thought and word.
How does giving the best impact the giver?
What is given is received in the giving and equally blesses both giver and receiver.
I suggest that you experiment with the basics of Loving and not loving!
Give positive regard to people you encounter, one at a time.
Notice the feelings and thoughts you have by giving the best.
Then give judgments, criticism, negativity to those you meet.
Notice the thoughts and feelings you have by withholding your best.
With careful attention, you will discover that when you give positive energy, you receive positive energy.
You will notice that withholding love, you begin to feel depleted, weary, sick and inadequate.
You may judge that the other person is the cause of the negativity….
However, through experimenting, trial and error, you will recognize that we are creating our experience.
Withholding love is an attack on ourselves and on others.
Withholding love feels like dying and the life energy is depleted.
Withholding love feels painful and scary and depressing.
Withholding the creative energy that flows through you is shutting off the Source of all life.
Often people feel blame or guilt, fear or avoidance, when they don’t like someone.
People may look for reasons or excuses, defenses and justifications for their negative feelings.
People may seek confirmation and proof, agreement from others to validate their reasoning.
However, to turn it around, to feel the flow again we must forgive our withhold and love again.
When we want a change in our relationships, we can only effectively look within ourselves.
When we want a positive experience of respect and kindness we must seek to extend it to others.
When we are looking to make a positive difference, we must be the positive difference.
We can effect immediate and convincing change in ourselves when we change our thoughts and words.
Experiment with changing the flow of your energy.
Give Love….especially where it seems lacking.
Give Blessings… especially where they are needed.
Give Peace …especially where there is disagreement or conflict.
Where there is lack of Love, there is always a call for Love.
You are the Love.
You are the one, willing and able to Love wherever there is a call.
Thank you for your willingness to remember to share the Love You have.
Remember you are making a difference for you and for all.
Betty Lue
“Prayer For A Loved One”
Dear Heart,
I will not worry, fret or be unhappy over you.
I will not be anxious concerning you.
I will not be afraid for you.
I will not give up on you.
I will not blame, criticize or condemn you.
I will remember first, last and always that you are God’s child, that you have His Spirit in you.
I will trust this Spirit to take care of you, to be a light to your path, to provide for your needs.
I will think of you as always being surrounded by God’s loving Presence, enfolded in His protecting care, as kept safe and secure in Him.
I will be patient with you.
I will have confidence in you.
I will stand by you in faith, and bless you in my prayers, knowing that you are growing, knowing that you are finding the help you need, the love you need, the healing you need, the financial freedom you need.
I have only good feelings in my heart about you.
I am willing to let you live your life as you see fit.
Your way may not be my way, but I will trust the Spirit of God in you to show you the way of your highest Good.
God loves you and I love you!
I have confidence in you and I believe in you!!
(author unknown)
I will not worry, fret or be unhappy over you.
I will not be anxious concerning you.
I will not be afraid for you.
I will not give up on you.
I will not blame, criticize or condemn you.
I will remember first, last and always that you are God’s child, that you have His Spirit in you.
I will trust this Spirit to take care of you, to be a light to your path, to provide for your needs.
I will think of you as always being surrounded by God’s loving Presence, enfolded in His protecting care, as kept safe and secure in Him.
I will be patient with you.
I will have confidence in you.
I will stand by you in faith, and bless you in my prayers, knowing that you are growing, knowing that you are finding the help you need, the love you need, the healing you need, the financial freedom you need.
I have only good feelings in my heart about you.
I am willing to let you live your life as you see fit.
Your way may not be my way, but I will trust the Spirit of God in you to show you the way of your highest Good.
God loves you and I love you!
I have confidence in you and I believe in you!!
(author unknown)