Thursday, August 04, 2011

Keeping It Simple

When I look at my own transformative life of healing, awakening and service, I see a handful of significant and effective tools that work consistently throughout all time, relationships and circumstances.  You might see them as essential for a life of fulfillment, contribution and enlightenment.  Or you could simply recognize these are the basics. Keep it simple and you will save lots of time, energy and money.

Know Yourself.  

Take time to learn who you are.  Use whatever tools or processes that feel right for you.
Take time to clarify your mission, purpose, your values and the principles by which you guide your life.

Be True to Your Self.

When you live in integrity with what is right and true for you, life works.
When you try living according to other’s opinion and paths of success, you get lost and confused.
A key to knowing how you are doing with your own integrity: You will be content and at peace.

Heal the Past.  

What is not healed will be revealed again and again, until you are willing to do the work.
In relationships, career paths, finances, health, there will be upsets or challenges which demonstrate where there is healing work to be done.  We are all here to heal ourselves and our world.  When we understand “healing”, we know that we can forgive and choose again with conscious awareness. We can do the work.

Listen within for answers and healing guidance.
When you seek outside what only you can find within yourself, you may hear others’ guidance for themselves.
You may gain wisdom and perspective, but only you will know what it true for you.
Listen and read and believe only what resonates or fits for you.  Learn to trust your inner knowing.

No Quick Fixes

There is no pill, no magical cure all, no one-time miracle or healing agent that “saves” us.
There is no special information or prescription that will undo all the challenges of life.
The healing, learning and growth is throughout our lives.  It is work, observation, clearing and learning throughout one’s life time.  There is no vacation or sabbatical or end to worldly challenges, and growth opportunities.

Know when to change direction or choose a better way. 

Don’t stay too long trying to “fix” or understand or make something work.
Don’t leave too soon, before the “healing” or learning is done.
Our work is not to get others to go along or do it our way.
Our work is to honor, respect and listen to our own truth.

Choose people, experiences and life style that support your own healing and self fulfillment.

Support living your dreams, fulfilling your mission and honoring your path.
The pain, problems and upset we experience demonstrates where we have stepped away from being true to ourselves.

Simple, effective and true, but must be learned and practiced for a lifetime to experience a “fun, safe and easy” life.
Loving us all as we learn!
Betty Lue

Twelve Daily Steps To Optimistic Living

1. Focus on my successes rather than on my failures.
2. Notice that which I have accomplished rather than that which I’ve left undone.
3. See and acknowledge my beauty rather than focusing on my imperfections.
4. Notice and acknowledge all the times I’ve followed the optimum conditions,rather than judging myself for the times I have not.
5. Acknowledge all my wins each and every day.
6. Create and maintain an environment that nurtures me.
7.  See problems as opportunities to learn from rather than as obstacles to avoid.
8.  Tell the whole truth on a moment to moment basis in order to maintain impeccable and loving relationships.
9. Be conscious every moment to put positive thoughts into my mind rather than negative, knowing all thoughts are creative.
10.  Appreciate my feelings as a means of understanding myself, thus directing and creating my reality.
11. Continue to forgive myself and others as a means of creating a state of Grace.
12. Fill my life with joy and ecstasy by practicing daily the art and skill of verbally expressing my gratitude for all that I have.