Every relationship makes a difference.
We are teaching others how to relate to us.
We demonstrate by our behavior how we want our world to be.
We are teaching by our example with our thoughts, words and behavior.
All communications matter.
Whether we are talking on the phone or to a stranger, the universe is listening.
When we dump negative emotions, fears or judgments on others, we create more.
We connect or disconnect with others with our verbal interaction.
Our relationships can be constructive or destructive.
We can use our interactions with others to teach and create more harmony and peace.
We can destroy trust, respect, healing and intimacy with critic, defensiveness, contempt, and threats.
We are powerful creators of what we want or don’t want in every encounter.
Everyone needs a safe and sacred place to heal and reveal their need for respect and understanding.
When we offer safety and peace, we build trust and respect.
When we extend love to those lacking or ignorant in ways to relate, we are building a better world.
When we clear our fear with self forgiveness, we open to learn how to return to love others.
When we recognize negative patterns of relating come from imprinting, we can choose what works.
When we are aware of ineffective or destructive patterns of communicating, we can choose again.
When we keep on repeating old behaviors expecting a different result, we stay stuck in judgment.
When we are open and willing to find a better way, we learn what works to build success.
Everyone desires and deserves to love and be loved.
To feel safe, to belong, to achieve, to heal, to learn and grow is the support we need for self actualization.
When we respond to our own needs with support and respect, we can more consciously respond to others.
When forgive and heal our unconscious avoidance, negativity and fear, we are willing to find a better way.
Wherever we are stuck, we see our judgment and fear.
Whenever we are stubborn, we recognize our need to be righteous and right.
When we want to be free, we respond with willingness to heal and release.
When we want to be effective, we undo and explore new ways to interact.
Judgment begets more judgment and fear.
Resistance creates more resistance.
Willingness and open-mindedness free us to see more and be more willing.
When you relate with loving kindness, you are creating more love and kindness in your world.
Yes, the work is to do the work.
When there is more light, we see more what we need to clean up, heal and change.
Now is the time to do our own work.
Stop seeing yourself as victim of others’ ignorance.
Be the teacher and role model you are here to be!
I trust we are here to find and teach a better way!
Betty Lue