The time of the greatest light is when we see all we need to clean and clear and forgive.
It is OK to be picky with your own cleanup process.
It is helpful to be delighted to DO THE WORK!
It is encouraging to know you are making a difference.
Those who know, do not judge.
Those who know, simply live what they know.
What do you know?
When there is work to be done, are you willing to do it?
Sometimes we look for external cause and then try to “fix” it or change “them”.
Most of the time I look for what I can do to make the change I want to see.
When I see a place of darkness, hiding, withhold, or non confront, I choose greater awareness.
When I look for what will work, I usually consult with those who participate in my world.
How are you at cleaning up your messes?
What do you do when you make a mistake?
How do you handle relationship scritches?
What have you learned from correcting mental errors?
Usually there is a case of mistaken identity, when we notice error.
When we condemn our selves or another for mistakes and blunders, we are mistaken.
The Essence of the Being continues to be perfect, whole, loving, but the errant personality has had its way.
When the negative emotions take over, we are mistaken by our judgmental perceptions.
To identify the Being with their mistakes is our error.
To identify ourselves by our emotions, judgments and past ignorance is a faulty.
To remember mistakes of others and ourselves is to clutter our mental space and clog the flow of Love.
To believe in other’s unloving behavior as their Truth gets them stuck in believing it too.
What can we do to clear the way to greater Light and Love?
Heal the past by erasing it.
Clear your judgments by denying their power. “My judgments mean nothing.”
Live from your authentic Self, always affirming Love, Trust and Respect for yourself.
In times of Light, we are to remember to increase the Light.
In times of darkness, we are to turn up the light.
In times of remembering, we are to celebrate our awareness.
In times of forgetfulness, we are to clear the dust from our past.
I am happy to be of service.
I am glad to be given the opportunity to think and speak and act in Truth.
I am supported in giving the best I know.
I am loved by being the One who never quits on Love.
Betty Lue