Sunday, June 26, 2011

Many Translations, Many Points of View

What do you choose to see?
What is your preference?
When you hear another’s perspective, how do you listen?
Are you open and willing to truly understand?

Being a translator for Goodness sake is an art form.
Being willing to see and hear and feel another’s perspective requires willingness.
Being open to allowing another to be received with Love is a gift of forgiveness.
When we can fully give loving attention to all ways, we see only God and goodness.

Robert and I used to look for inspirational movies, which we called “God Movies”.
We went looking for the God, the Goodness, the inspiration in everything.
This life “game” created a filter that was able to perceive beneath the apparency.
When we look with “xray” vision for wholeness, goodness and beauty, there it is!

First, there may be judgment and opinions.
There must come erasing and forgiveness of the errors in our minds.
Then we need to see with neutrality and peace, no attachment to our point of view.
Then we will indeed see what is beneath the surface, the need, the gift, the blessings, the calling.

Life offers infinite opportunities to clear away the junk and debris of the past.
Life encourages us to stop stock piling or fencing off our garbage and let it Go.
Being garbage collectors, we continue to see that which is gone and was in the past.
Being hoarders, we refuse to release what we believed was of value, even when its use is done.

Keeping anything that does not serve us is a heavy weight to bear.
Storing, remembering and preserving unhealthy stuff holds us stuck in the manure of the past.
Trying to remember past errors, yours and mine, keeps it in place as defense (the fence) against Love.
When we believe remembering past errors, prevents future errors, we increase their repetition.

How can you see beyond mistakes?
Perhaps mistakes are on purpose?
Perhaps the difficulties in life are helpful?
Perhaps we need to learn from everything by seeking its blessing?

If there were only one prayer to ask of our inner Being, the Creator within, consider:

“May I change my need and be willing to see only that which is Good and beautiful and Holy!”
May I heal my mind and be willing to trust in the Goodness and God in all things.
May I enjoy my life with the curiosity and wonder of a child, with the natural forgiveness of an innocent being, with the openness and trust of One who lives in Love.
May my life, my thoughts, words and deeds, reflect that of one who seeks only to Love, trust and be free.”
As I have asked, so I will receive.  And it is Good.

Betty Lue

B’Lue’s Translation of the Lord’s Prayer

Creator and Source of All That Is True and Loving.
You live within my very Being and create through my thoughts, words and actions.
I give my Whole Self to serve only Good in all places and with all people.
So we all experience the Joy and freedom of heaven here and now.

May we feed ourselves Living Truth that sustains our wholeness.
May we erase the errors of our ways and our mistaken identity.
May we see all that is given is a gift unto ourselves.
May we be guided by the Goodness and Light of Eternal Love.

Love is our Power.
Goodness is our Glory.
Always and forever,
And So It Is.