Whether you plan special events today or not, everyday is a day of dedication and celebration.
It is time to greet your neighbors like a good neighbor, with smiles and friendly “Hello”.
We used to put May baskets with flowers on the door step of each neighbor as children.
This was our way of welcoming Spring and remembering our gratitude for those around us.
It is time to “stop to smell the flowers.”
Perhaps you can take a walk or drive to look at all the natural beauty.
Wherever you are on the planet there is amazing colors and fragrances and sights to behold.
This can be a day of really taking the time to see and feel the bountiful blessings of nature.
It is time for “spring cleaning”, an opportunity to freshen, renew and open new possibilities.
Perhaps you can let go or finish projects held incomplete.
Perhaps you can release all the clothing, furnishings and “things” you are not using.
Perhaps you can dust and vacuum around and under the furniture for “years”.
It is time to reclaim and rename your own mission and life purpose.
Perhaps you can listen within today and remember the real reason you are here this time.
Perhaps you can take a long look at your life and celebrate your healing and growth.
Perhaps this is the day for you to realize and realign with what you really want to achieve.
Every day is a renewal, a remembrance and a recognition of the real nature of life.
Every moment is our spring renewal and opportunity to realize the “treat” life really is.
May 1 can be your moment to claim your idealized vision for your whole life.
Today you can declare what you desire for your family, friends, health, finances and work.
It is with Vision that we imagine and begin the journey of Self realization.
It is with Desire (“of the Father”) from the heart that we discover what we really want.
It is with Faith, the certainty and confidence, that we step forward to believe what we conceive.
It is with Commitment that we choose not to quit on our vision, but to Live what we have chosen Now.
It is with Strategy and Inspired Planning that we recognize the step by step realization of our dreams.
It is with Action that we move our voice, hands and feet, to step into the fulfillment of our Vision.
It is with Gratitude that we fully appreciate and amplify all we have chosen to fulfill.
And so each day is a day to begin again , correcting any missed direction, to follow the path of Joy.
Loving you on this day and every day,
Betty Lue