Friday and Saturday we were moving extra household goods to our retreat houses, Reunion Lake House and Hermitage, in Hidden Valley Lake, CA. We are still hanging some pictures and Feng Shui in our little town home in Pleasant Hill. And today the Rio Vista Home will host an open house to be sold quickly and easily to someone who will love its beautiful and peaceful energies.
Your affirming prayers and positive thoughts are always welcomed. We thank you and love you for joining us in Love. Betty Lue
When we come together in celebration of freedom and initiate a new beginning, we have joined to create.
When we can feast together with fellowship and understanding, we collectively create Peace on Earth.
When we choose to stop all attack, (mental, verbal, financial and metaphysical) we end war and violence.
When we change our minds about the family of humanity and nurture the Good, we ascend in Love.
Life is meant to be a garden of beauty, harmony and plenty for All.
When we left the garden of Abundance and sought only to meet our own needs, we lost our way.
When humanity is lost, it feels fear of lack, guilt about mistakes made, and sorrow about being alone.
We can change the direction of our faithlessness, and find a Truth which lights our way.
Choose to forgive our own errors and those of others.
Live with gratitude, simplicity and generosity.
Give with no attachment and the joy of giving.
Love those around you with no interference, trust and freedom to let all learn from their own choices.
Our life experience is a product of our choices.
The clearer we can see what we have chosen and choose again, the faster we correct our path.
The doubt, judgment and advice of others, often distracts and disrupts our own clarity and learning.
When we are totally responsible for our life choices. the faster we see, forgive and choose a better way.
All good teachers, great and small, learn continuously from themselves and others.
All good teachings have benefitted all humanity by reminding us of our choice to learn, let go and love.
All celebrations of Spirit remind those gathered to be grateful for what we have created together.
All who live consciously and respectfully embody the courage, wisdom, commitment of the Great Ones.
Now is the time for us to celebrate the Christ within who comes to bring healing forgiveness and Love.
Now is the time for us to honor the Buddha within who teaches us have compassion and share Wisdom.
Now is the time for us to listen to the God within who comes to bring Peace to all people.
Now is the time for us to step up to live out the teachings of all the Great Ones.
We are here to recognize we are free.
We are here to set free all those past and future from the bondage of prejudice, punishment and pain.
We are here to realize the Goodness, Power and Love from which and for which we are created.
We are here to trust and facilitate that same Goodness, Power and Love in all peoples.
You and I can now ascend to a new level of consciousness, offering healing and hope to all humanity.
This is my prayer for all of us at this creative time in our history.
I am loving you as myself,
Betty Lue
The Last Supper (later this week) was most likely a Passover Sedar of Jewish tradition.
The Christians practice the Lenten season of letting go of habits that are not healthy and good and for Passover the Jews remove chametz, (no leaven in their bread), symbolic of removing the “puffiness”, arrogance and pride from our souls.
In every tradition, there are the same rituals of purification and cleansing, healing and sanctifying, celebrating and fellowship. Why not see us all as One, for so we are!