I Missed My Daily Loving Reminders for me and You!
Yes, we have been moving from Rio Vista back to Pleasant Hill.
We are selling our beautiful Rio Vista home and renting a small town house.
While this is a good spiritual decision, saving time and resources for higher purposes.
This may seem like a big loss in worldly terms, it is a gain from a spiritual perception.
We may be guided to do something or go somewhere that does not make sense.
We may be called to serve in some way that does not fit with our past beliefs.
We may not understand what the higher purpose or gift will be, but we know what is true.
We may feel something is true and right for us, while others may disagree or misunderstand.
Yet, in life there choices to be made which are uniquely ours.
There are gifts to give which may see extraordinary to others.
There are values to be held no matter what others hold to be true.
There are times in our lives when we must choose again for what is highest and best for all concerned.
In our life together, Robert and I have been called to move across the country to found spiritual counseling and healing centers in Asheville, NC, Bozeman MT, Bloomington, IN and Kalamazoo, MI, as well as many others locally. Always using our own monies and furnishings and relying on our inner guidance, we have always felt supported and inspired and grateful for the experiences. Encouraging spiritual community, mentoring and teaching holistic practitioners, training and ordaining ministers of Reunion (“Coming together in Love and for Love”), offering counseling and healing and personal growth services, classes and retreats, Spiritual fellowship, and having lots of fun has been our life together. Because we do only ”Good works” on a contribution basis, (turning no one away), everything we need has been provided. Keeping it simple, with no “neediness”, and inner confidence in the provision of Spirit, we have continued to trust and believe and receive with gratitude and joy.
Life continues to be change.
We change according to what is needed by those we serve.
We change following inner guidance and trust all is well.
We change and let go allowing the flow of all Good.
With change comes the need to be flexible, forgiving and resilient to the unseen shifts that occur.
With change comes surprises, adventure, the unknown and unexpected.
With change comes the need to find a stable and secure foundation from which to build anew.
With change comes the letting go of what is no longer needed and choosing for simplicity.
The changes that appear when we move our home, beliefs, work or relationships are transformative.
Change initiates the need to look again at what is essential and nonessential, what is supportive and what is distracting, what is healthy and what is unhealthy.
The gifts of change are clearing the debris and residue of the past, releasing the accumulative complexity, and building a new environment which supports natural creativity and responsibility.
While we may resist renewal of mind, body and spirit as well as home, workplace, and affairs, all change works together for Good.
Loving us all as we change daily for the Good of all,
Betty Lue
Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Romans 12:2