Do you respect the Earth, our planetary home?
Do you treat the Earth and her resources as you want to be treated?
Do you give appreciation and positive attention to the Earth?
Do your take her supply for granted and ignore her needs?
Is it possible that the way we relate to the Earth is the way we relate to others?
Could it be that you treat her in ways that are unloving, inconsiderate and unkind?
Can you imagine what your life would be if you were used and abused as the Earth is?
Would you like to change your relationship with the Earth and treat her well?
It is time to attend to the needs of our Mother planet with consciousness and respect.
It is time for each one of us to plant thoughts, words and actions that do honor to her gifts.
It is time for us to plant a tree, feed the birds, stop polluting and recycle our debris.
It is time for us to use green products only, to stop wasting earth resources and be grateful.
What would it take for us to treat everyone with respect for the innate gifts in each one?
Can we shift our consciousness to be good stewards of what we have?
Can we stop complaining about the price of gas and conserve water, and eat organically?
Can we remember that the abundance of the earth can feed us all if we share freely?
Life on this planet is a gift, a joy, a feast of abundant beauty and goodness.
When we fully appreciate all we have the abundance grows.
When we misuse and abuse, we fear famine and become greedy and needy.
When we feel entitled to more, we forget to appreciate less.
Now is the time to change our minds and truly value the gifts of the Earth.
Now is the time to look around at the light and the dark, the heat and the cold.
The cycles and seasons are valuable and life-enhancing.
The balance of nature is a blessing of natural perfection.
There is no need to fix or change what already works for us.
There is only a need to learn to live with appreciation for what is given.
Stop the waste, the destruction, the senseless abuse of what is pure and good.
Take time today to choose differently, consciously with gratitude and generosity.
We love you Mother Earth, our home planet and the sustenance you freely give us all.
Betty Lue