I recently had another “aha” from my personal inner guidance which I listen for each morning.
While it is not unusual to learn something new or be reminded, this caused me to be more aware.
The experience we have at home and work and in our relationships is what we have created with thought.
When we are happy and forgiving, we can easily create our own paradise or heavenly experience.
When we have created our own heaven, we are to enjoy and be grateful.
When we have created our own hell, we are to forgive and choose again.
When we are living in someone else’s creation, we are to step away and create our own.
When we have what we want and step into someone else’s creation to correct or change it, we do not allow them to take full responsibility of what they have created from their beliefs and thoughts.
It is important not to allow others thoughts to interfere with our own.
It is important to stop interfering with others’ creations with our contradictory thoughts or choices.
We each learn best from exploring our own creative reality.
We can demonstrate to others by forgiving our mistakes and choosing again for happiness.
I can see how simply allowing people to learn from their mistakes is beneficial.
When we take responsibility for our creations without others’ condemnation, we can change easily.
When we let people have what the lifestyle they have chosen, they can own it as their choice.
When we blame, criticize, create guilt, it is more likely they will choose the same thing again.
Infants experiment through trial and error with what works.
They are seeking to be happy.
When we tolerate behavior to make someone happy and are not happy ourselves, everyone is confused.
When we try to accommodate another’s demands, and are unhappy, we have deceived both of us.
I notice when I clean up someone else’s mess, they usually recreate the same mess.
When I ask people how they feel about their mess, they will tell me their truth (if I am neutral.)
When they feel happy with their “messes”, why do I need to change them?
When they feel unhappy about their “messes”, their self observation may inspire them to clean it up.
It must be very confusing to those children and adults who are trying to juggle paradoxical desires.
What Mom wanted and what wife wants, if different, can be totally upsetting.
When our world wisdom wants one thing and our spiritual wisdom wants another, what do we do?
Choosing to please ourselves by being happy and forgiving our mistaken choices for happiness is key.
Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
When we forgive all “mistakes” and simply choose to be happy, we begin to see what is right for us.
When we are right with ourselves and please ourselves and truly are at home with ourselves, we are happy.
Perhaps is time for each of us to create our own Heaven, safe haven and happy home.
I am totally appreciating the peace I create for myself wherever I go.
I am grateful that I choose supportive people, places and activities to live at peace.
I am enjoying the safety, sanity and serenity I have created in my life.
I am happy and at home in the heaven of my inner creation.
Loving you and reminding us all to create what we really want here and now!
Betty Lue
Twelve Daily Steps To Optimistic Living
1. Focus on my successes rather than on my failures.
2. Notice that which I have accomplished rather than that which I’ve left undone.
3. See and acknowledge my beauty rather than focusing on my imperfections.
4. Notice and acknowledge all the times I’ve followed the optimum conditions,rather than judging myself for the times I have not.
5. Acknowledge all my wins each and every day.
6. Create and maintain an environment that nurtures me.
7. See problems as opportunities to learn from rather than as obstacles to avoid.
8. Tell the whole truth on a moment to moment basis in order to maintain impeccable and loving relationships.
9. Be conscious every moment to put positive thoughts into my mind rather than negative, knowing all thoughts are creative.
10. Appreciate my feelings as a means of understanding myself, thus directing and creating my reality.
11. Continue to forgive myself and others as a means of creating a state of Grace.
12. Fill my life with joy and ecstasy by practicing daily the art and skill of verbally expressing my gratitude for all that I have.