I allowed others behavior and words to hurt me.
This is very good to allow me to experience personally what others may feel a lot.
This is very helpful to strengthen my practice of forgiveness and blessing all situations.
This is very timely since I taught a Forgiveness and Faith Workshop yesterday.
We all are creative beings.
I create with words, vision and inspiring environments.
When someone comes along and adds seasonings to your special recipe, it may feel hurtful.
When someone changes the lyrics of the song you worked on for weeks, it may feel disrespectful.
When someone rearranges your created home or workspace, it may feel unappreciative.
“What is the Truth? “ And “What can I do?” are the two questions I ask myself.
The truth is I am loved and appreciated.
The truth is I appreciate my creations.
The truth is people don’t know any better.
The truth is I am here to forgive all things.
The truth is I know how much I work at creating what is truly good for all.
The truth is I can trust others to be doing their best as well.
The truth is I can release my attachment to what I have created and shared.
The truth is my holiness blesses all situations and people, when I forgive.
What can I do?
I can forgive myself for letting anyone or anything hurt me.
I can trust in the power and presence of Love in me.
I can be grateful that people care enough to share with me.
I can love everyone anyway.
I can choose to take in what resonates with me and release the rest with blessings.
I can take impeccable care of myself.
I can forgive myself for over giving.
I can release my judgments of the judgments.
I can release all defensiveness.
I can trust God and Good in all things.
I can be patient, kind, generous and open-minded no matter what.
I choose to remember the Truth of the Love I Am.
I choose to teach a better way.
I choose to forgive everything that seems to harm.
I choose to do what I can do and let the rest go with Love.
Loving me and you as we learn together the most loving way we know.
Betty Lue