Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Day Is Today?

Yesterday I thought it was Wednesday, 12th!
In spite of my computer telling me it was the 11th.
I chose to believe my mind and the image I had made.
We are vacationing at South Lake Tahoe with our three grandchildren and their parents.

Have you ever believed something so much that you made it “true” for you?
The mind makes images, holds opinions and beliefs based on past history, others’ teachings, etc.
The mind wants to be right and sets its priorities to search for confirming evidence.
The mind tends to use its convincing power to bring others into agreement.

There is so much to learn from this simple understanding.
There is even more to undo, erase and forgive.
In order to be free, we must know the Truth.
We must recognize our mental creative power.
When I believe, perceive and hear confirming evidence of something, I need consider my choice.
Do I want this to be true for me?
Do I want to believe and see that this is true or would I prefer to undo this “miscreation”?
Do I choose to “buy in” to the worldly beliefs in danger, darkness, disease and despair?

Can we really undo what is difficult, serious and unsafe?
Can we really choose a fun, safe and easy life?
Can we really use our thoughts, words and deeds to create what is good, helpful and loving for all?
Can we really practice spiritual principles to heal our own minds and words and activities?

The practice of undoing, forgiving, prayer, affirmation, meditation open us to inner knowing.
The desire to choose to create what is good and beautiful and holy for all is enough.
The willingness to undo whatever is not “True and Loving” is key to freedom and trust.
The open mind willing to co-create with the Mind of Pure Love is the Power.

The miracles of Love come from giving up what is false, limiting and harmful.
The miracles of Love come from being willing to create with the Highest Creative Power.
The healing gifts of life are the possibilities of undoing our mis-creations with forgiveness.
The blessings from life come from choosing what is Good and Whole and Loving for All.

Life can be fun, safe and easy, when we relinquish our fears, judgments and attack.
Life can be fun, safe and easy, when we stop trying to run the show with our limiting beliefs.
Life can be fun, safe and easy, when we let go and trust in Goodness.
Life can be fun, safe and easy, when we forgive everything and everyone, including ourselves.

What we conceive and believe, we will perceive.
When we hold misperceptions with judgment and fear, we keep them near.
When we forgive what we seek to undo, we find within what is real and true.
Life is learning to let go of all mis-creations to find the Love within.

Loving us all as we seek for only the High Way!
Betty Lue