Wherever you can, say YES.
“Yes” is a powerful at affirmation of Love.
In the world of learned fears, limitations, rules and restrictions, to set others free, expresses LOVE.
The questions may be, “ What is in your heart?”
What we say “no” to is often filled with questions, doubts and confusion.
What we decide with certainty, confidence and enthusiasm comes from a heartfelt place of Love.
When we are questioning our choices, it is a sign we need to listen within for guidance.
Where there is hesitation, we are called from within to honor our integrity and inner call.
Often children are taught by parents who are fearful.
They may be questioned and even told they are wrong.
Children get confused by listening to their inner voice and being denied by outer authorities.
Adults get confused by honoring the outer voices and denying their inner authority.
This may be time to practice allowing yourself to clarify what is really highest and best.
This may be the year in which you put in practice living in integrity with your spiritual principles.
This may be the moment when you are willing to ask and listen within to what you know is True.
This may be the opportunity to forgive past mistakes and choose again for what is True for You.
Saying Yes to you asks only that you be free to express and you trust yourself to know what is right.ss
Saying Yes with confidence asks that you have faith in your choice because you listened to your inner voice.
Saying Yes asks that you let go of the past, the doubters and fear-mongers.
Saying Yes requires that you forgive your doubts and fears and choose again for Love.
Children are inspired by a world where Yes is encouraged.
Adults are encouraged by supporters who trust and believe in them.
All of us learn best in open environments where we can explore.
Humanity needs the gift of TRUST and FREEDOM to remember its highest nature.
Where can I begin today to forgive my fearful “No’s” and remember my loving “Yes’s”.
Loving You, as you Love You, the authentic, wise and Highest You,
Betty Lue