Are you following your own North Star to the Birth of your Authentic Self?
Are you willing to let go of your past investments and find a better way?
Are you courageous or fearless enough to trust your inner guidance?
Do you believe you deserve to be all you can be?
It feels to me like humanity is often asleep at the wheel…
Busy texting or talking on the phone….
Gossiping or trying to fix someone else’s problems…
Avoiding engaging in life by distracting oneself with meaninglessness.
We seem to have created so much external stimuli that we have no inner quiet.
We fatigue ourselves with so much busyness that we self medicate to find temporary rest.
We join with others to watch others lives without really living fully and joyously ourselves.
We have hundreds of excuses and escape clauses from doing the healing and creative work.
It seems that we are spinning out of control without a way to stop and reflect.
Home must become our safe haven and sanctuary, with silence and peace.
Meditation, inner listening, spiritual practice must be our self medication to rest.
Life is where we engage with others to practice the healing and creative skills we are learning.
Each one of us has a calling, a healing purpose, a reason for Being.
Each one of us must take the time to find who we are, for what holy and healing purpose we have come.
Each one of us has a mission or assignment to fulfill to benefit all humanity, past, present and future.
Each one of us is essential to the Higher Plan of Remembering Love and Returning to Wholeness.
We cannot see and hear this plan, while still delaying, distracting, deluding ourselves with worldly stuff.
We do not listen within to clarify our real healing needs and how to forgive our mistaken perceptions.
We ignore, deny, procrastinate and make excuses that keep us from living a happy and meaningful life.
We judge and blame and control and fix others to keep the focus from ourselves.
This New Year let us find one goal that includes the best of all the rest.
Let us take time each day to find, the fun, safe and easy way to live.
Let us be silent for even five minutes to listen within as our way to begin.
Let us trust a little more that there is a helpful purpose we came here for.
You see, the healing begins with you and me.
The new way of living starts right here.
The Peace we seek is first cultivated within.
The Happiness I want is my choice.
I am loving you in loving YOU!
Betty Lue