Play at creating what inspires you.
Play at delighting in your creations.
Play at singing your song as loud as you wish.
Play at living your Truth freely and honestly.
We are created to create by our Creator.
We are here to create wholeness, Goodness and Love.
We are teachers of innocence and Love.
We are teaching as we forgive and choose only Love.
As we create and play, play and create, we fully enjoy the process of living, relating and giving.
As we are filled with enjoyment for what we have created, we are grateful for creating our lives.
As we appreciate our creations and the creative process, we expand our potential and manifestation.
As we are empowered, we take total responsibility for our life experiences.
Start today.
Begin the early morning with inspiration.
Use whatever readings or practices that inspire you and expand your creative and joyful energy.
Be consistent and committed to affirmation, forgiveness and gratitude throughout your day.
Set aside time periodically during the day to stop and listen within for direction and focus.
When you are upset or confused, stop and listen for inner guidance.
When you make a mistake, forgive yourself immediately and choose again for the highest form of Love.
When you judge another, forgive your judgment immediately and choose again to encourage and Love.
Waste no time focused on past wrong-doing or learned fears.
Focus your time and energy on what is effective, healing and helpful.
Look with forgiveness and blessing on what has been, the past.
Look with gratitude on what is and enjoy this moment NOW!
Look with enthusiasm and creativity for what will be.
Each day is a creation of your thoughts, words and activities.
What you experience is a product and projection of your thoughts, beliefs, opinions, history and images.
Clear off the canvas of your mind all thoughts, beliefs, history and images you choose not to create.
Place on your inner screen the images that are created for the highest Good of all.
Life is an experimental laboratory to learn to undo everything that is not whole and true and loving.
Learn to focus on, appreciate and magnify everything that is whole and true and loving.
Enjoy the process of learning by trusting your observations and choices.
You are creating your day more consciously that ever before. Congratulate yourself.
Loving you and appreciating your Holy Creations,
Betty Lue