Some serve themselves and become the best they can be.
Their happiness and inner peace benefits all.
Some serve their beloved and the one close to their heart.
Their harmonious and respectful relationships offer peace in our world.
Some serve their community and all of humanity, excluding none.
Their Goodness and Gratitude inspires all to be filled with hope and faith and Love.
Whomever you serve and However you serve must be noted as an act of Love.
When Love is given in any form to few, to yourself or to many, all are blessed.
Love is an energy that must be shared freely to be received by giver and receiver.
When service is measured or conditional (given and taken away), the giver is depleted.
To give love, to serve others, to love oneself, must be a full and free expression of trust and flow.
To give love is not to seek for anything in return, for Love is shared with all humanity as it flows to one.
When there is open-hearted service, the giver expands in consciousness and is blessed with happiness.
When there is a flow of trust and freedom, the Goodness of all Beings is amplified.
Therefore, today, right now, share your genuine Love with yourself, your loved ones and All the world.
Forgive and clear all blocks of judgment and separation, fear and lack.
I forgive myself for judging, condemning, giving up on any one of God creations of Love.
I love you and release you to your highest Good!
When we allow ourselves to love with purity of mind and innocence of expression, we realize Love.
When we give ourselves the freedom to love and trust in Divine Outcome, we know Miracles of Love.
When we contribute only and always the best we have and the Love we are, we know a life of Love.
When we enjoy the inner peace and natural joy that comes from Loving, we are Love ItSelf.
And so it is this day, we give to one another.
And so it is this day, we appreciate Mother Earth and her magnificent creatures.
And so it is this day, we validate the value of every life, just as it is.
And so it is this day, we surrender our need to change, fix and correct anyone.
We are here to Love.
We are here to trust in Love.
We are here to return to Love.
We are here to express only Love.
With dignity and respect for all.
Betty Lue.