When we leave ourselves out and neglect to give to ourselves, we may feel lack and stress.
When we are only thinking of others needs and wants, we may expect them to return the favor.
When we martyr or sacrifice with stress and over doing, we may make ourselves needy or sick.
These holidays (Holy Days) are meant to be a blessing for all.
The Giver must also receive in order to be filled with givingness and loving kindness.
You are the most precious gift for you to honor and cherish.
Yours is the most important vision to fill.
Make sure that you use this time to contemplate and vision.
What makes your life worthwhile?
What brings you joy?
What feels like Christmas to you?
Give yourself what you really need and want.
Find a way to make it work in your schedule and budget.
Take time to look beneath the gifts and food to find what is the real experience in which you delight.
Is it quiet time, sacred music, watching little children, seeing the beautiful decorations or reminiscing?
I often take this time to appreciate the year’s accomplishments and experiences.
I like to pause and reflect on how I can use my time, energy and monies for the Highest Good.
I stop and review my whole life balance and my self nurturing and nourishing.
I breathe in all the Goodness and Love I have created and supported around me.
It is time to enjoy yourself and all your are.
It is time to appreciate the good you do for those you love.
It is time to focus on the simple miracles of love that are often ignored.
It is time to realize there is Light and Love in you, calling to be expressed.
Life offers holy days and holidays to pause and remember.
Life cycles and seasons give us reminders to go within, to envision and plant, to nourish and nurture, to harvest and appreciate.
December is the time of greatest dark and the hope of more light to come.
The holiday season is often the time of family (good and bad memories), but may remind us to forgive.
Consider the possibility of doing things differently this Christmas.
- Eat less instead of more.
- Spend less or not at all.
- Give love and appreciation, blessings and kindness.
- Spend quiet time each day away from the noisy busyness.
- Give to another family or someone all alone.
- Take a party to a place where it is all they have.
- Sing Christmas carols for those in a nursing home.
- Visit those who are all alone on Christmas Day.
- Really consider the meaning of the season as you believe it to be.
You can forgive the past and choose again.
You can forgive our neglect of what really matters and choose again.
You can change your rituals and traditions for what makes your heart sing.
You can be the Santa Claus the true gift of Christmas Love here on Earth.
Peace on Earth and Good will to all men,
Betty Lue