Thursday, December 02, 2010


What is Peace?
Peace is Personal, Practical and Powerful.

Peace is Personal.

To find Peace, we must go within.
We know peace in inner quiet.
We know peace when our mind is at ease.
We know peace when we are alone in the stillness.

Peace is Practical.

To live at peace, we must practice peace-giving thoughts, words and activities.
To be at peace, we must imagine peace in our minds.
To create peace, we must speak words that bring peace to other minds.
To stay at peace, we must live peace-filled lives.

Peace is Powerful.

Peaceful minds are forgiving, erasing conflict, judgment and fear.
Peaceful people extend and amplify peace in others wherever they go.
Peaceful relationships are most creative, sustain and fulfilling to all.
Peaceful environments are those in which we can listen to and be guided by the Voice Within.

Suggestions to establish peace in our everyday lives:

Begin each day with quiet time alone  focused on simply breathing and being grateful.
If thoughts come….simply say thank you and let them go.
You can meditate using a form, mantra, sound or simply sit and do nothing.
Some listen to the silence, deep within, the inner voice and spiritual guidance, for you personally.
Turn off the extra noise in your environment.
(turn off TV, cell phone, loud music, music with lyrics, conversations around you)
Spend time alone walking,  in the bathroom, at your desk.
Learn to enjoy your own company doing simple things with joy and gratitude.
Develop a hobby, craft or activity that you can do without thought or stress, for the pure enjoyment.
When you do something you enjoy, do it with focus. (ie, cook a meal alone with no interruption).
Do one activity at a time. ( no more multi-tasking)  Simply enjoy what you are doing.
Begin to affirm daily: Life can be fun, safe and easy.

When you experience inner or outer conflict, simply say to yourself. “I choose peace instead of this.”
Breathe fully and freely to let the tension go.
Remembering to breathe in a circular manner clears the thoughts to allow peace to enter in.
Learn to let go of trying to control outcomes and choose to trust that Good will come from this.

Relax into each activity, with a prayer or affirmation. Ie:
This will work easily.
I trust all is well.
I will be guided to the highest and best outcome.
I give my best and only Good will follow.

Peace is your natural state, your inherited birthright.
When you extend peace to others, you create Peace in your world.
I wish only Peace for you and your loved ones.
A Peaceful World is my choice, therefore
My Peace I give to you.

Betty Lue