Make yourself happy with the right conditions and relationships.
Encourage others to be happy by choosing the right conditions and relationships.
Give the right conditions to others as you improve the quality of your relationships.
Celebrate what works and let the rest go with forgiveness and gratitude.
To know what is RIGHT for you, you need to know yourself.
This morning I had a food-related headache and found myself being picky….
This was a perfect and “right” reaction to not taking impeccable care of myself.
My job is to eat the “right” foods, and take perfect care of my body, mind and whole life.
As we come to recognize what we need, our job is to give it to ourselves.
For those who have learned to take care of others and then expect them to care for us, we are mistaken.
Our job is to take care of ourselves and teach others to take care of themselves.
When we fully respect our own needs, we stop expecting others to take care of our needs.
When we respect and care for ourselves, we teach others to respect and care for their own needs.
When we respect others’ feelings, space and stuff, we teach them to respect ours as well.
When others are neglectful of themselves, they lose sight of reciprocating that respect.
When others are doing their best with what they know, we must forgive our judgments and teach them.
In families and their homes, there must be a place for everyone to have privacy and renew themselves.
In our homes, there needs to be a place (closet, dresser, corner of the garage??) for each to have their stuff.
Each resident must be allowed to discover their ideal lifestyle and be given opportunity to experience it.
When anyone is thwarted, frustrated and judged for their choices, there will be covert or overt hostility.
If we are the parent, authority or partner, our job is to live our own truth first.
Then we are to discover and learn to respect the others’ choices as well.
We can offer each the opportunity to express their uniqueness in ways that do not interfere with others.
We can negotiate ways to live together without blocking each others’ rights and choices.
When we are conscious, the one who is noticing, the one who cares, the one who wants to improve things,
we can begin to explore with each one their unique needs and wants.
We can then problem solve with brain storming (explore creative solutions) to look for solutions where everyone wins.
Often there is unwillingness among participants, because they fear losing again to the power holders.
Where we have taken care of our own needs, we can step back and support others in doing the same.
Your job, my job, is to constantly re-evaluate how I am spending my time and energy.
Our job is to relook at where we are wasting our words and resources and where we make a difference.
Our job is to remember to take perfect care of our own feelings, needs and purpose first.
Our job is to be happy, satisfied and at peace, so we can be helpful with those around us.
Consider where you are wasting money, time and energy.
Look at how you are not giving yourself the joy, appreciation, fun and freedom you want.
Consider giving yourself what you idealize and how that will make your life better.
Look at what simple and immediate changes you can make to fill your needs.
You can make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Loving you for seeking to improve your world and those in your family.
Betty Lue