Both of these commonly practiced forms of communication do not unite. They divide.
Both of these judgmental expressions do not improve or enhance. They denigrate and diminish.
Both of these learned ways of relating do not encourage. They deplete and deny.
Both of these statements are hurtful to both giver and receive. They attack and waste energy.
Stop criticizing yourself and others.
Choose instead to appreciate and encourage.
Stop complaining about your life and your world.
Choose instead to vision and act with creative solutions.
When we are judgmental, we demonstrate fear, arrogance, ridicule and impotence.
When we complain, we demonstrate our own helplessness and inadequacy.
When we have a judgment, we are proclaiming we want reform and improvement.
When we want to make things better, we need to educate and inspire by our example.
When we see our life as less that what we deem it could be, rather than place blame externally, we can initiate a plan for self improvement.
When we find ourselves being negative, we can notice that we generate negativity in others.
With negativity we spiral down into the morass of depression and fear, defensiveness and fatigue.
With criticism and complaints, we may demand and threaten to motivate and incur resistance and fear instead.
When we endlessly ask ourselves and others “Why?” did this happen?”, we spend useless hours delving into the past history, only to find more questions, rather than creative answers.
When we choose to ask “How?” can we make positive changes and improve the situation, we being to gather a co-creative approach to find answers that will benefit all concerned.
To judge the past is to be doomed to repeat it. (Wherever we judge we get stuck in repeated behavior.)
To seek a better future is to be inspired to transform ourselves and envision a better way.
We have circumstances now in our families, schools, communities, corporations and economy which are calling for creative solutions.
Now is the time to become a respectful, responsible and co-creative team.
When we all work together seeking a better way, we will find harmony and enjoy productive outcomes.
When we let go of judging one another with criticism and complaints, we feel safe and valued.
When we feel safe, secure, appreciated and loved, we think, speak and act with more consciousness.
When we feel trusted and respected, we are more cooperative, respectful and responsible.
When we know we can speak up and act out of our own unique values, we are more open and honest.
When we feel others have confidence in us and value our contributions, we give more generously.
Life works when we are positive, appreciative and genuinely helpful.
Wherever you are, always seek the Good, speak with Love and give your Best.
Loving us all.
Betty Lue