Saturday, October 30, 2010

Relationships Matter!

Relationships are the way in which we heal and grow, learn and know, our reason for Being.
Relationships are the grist for our mill that refines us and smooths out our rough edges.
Relationships offer the opportunity to choose to criticize and judge or love and appreciate.
Relationships show us a choice for harmony, unity and oneness over conflict, polarity and separation.

We are here in a body which seems to defines us with a separate identity and name.
We are taught to look out for ourselves to survive and succeed. (ego phase)
When we are sick, incapacitated, unconscious or sleeping, we find a place to hide to be safe. (amoral)
As a child, we learn to seek approval of parents, teachers and authorities to feel loved. (Pleaser)
When we step into adolescence we seek, analyze, and want specifics as we judge our world. (authority)
As we mature, we  seek to values and principles to live by. (principle phase)
With spiritual development, we begin to see our responsibility in all encounters. (responsible)
With actualization and balance, we experience peace, success, freedom and empowerment.(Universal

In our relationship with ourselves, we learn to forgive and learn from our errors.
In our relationships with our bodies, we learn to heal what is not real.
In our relationships with the weather, we learn to accept and do the best with what comes.
In our relationships with time, we learn to be patient and use it wisely.
In our relationships with money, we learn to conserve in prosperous times and share when needed.
In our relationships with work, we learn to give our best and appreciate what we do.
In our relationships with Creator, Source, the Great Mystery, we learn to listen and be grateful.
In our relationships with knowledge, we learn to explore all sides and beyond human understanding.
In our relationships with the world, we learn to give as we are guided to better the life of all humanity.
In our relationships with our family and friends, we learn to love in the ways which are truly helpful.
In our relationships with those we encounter, we learn to listen, let go, laugh and always love one another.
In our relationships with self, we are awakening to the Universal Self that is always and only Love.

Life is remembering to trust.
Life is the opportunity to see we are free.
Life is forgiving, erasing and undoing the fears and limitations we have learned.
Life is for the purpose of giving……and we are the gifts…….for ourselves and one another.

Bless us all as we remember and realize our holy healing purpose is to awaken to the Gift We Are.
Betty Lue