Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Buck Stops Here

Yesterday’s and today’s reminders are possibly the strongest I have ever written.  I laughed at myself and was surprise when I heard what I was writing.  But today’s world is perhaps stranger and stronger in its rudeness and crudeness than I have know in my 67 years.  The stress of joblessness, the threat of financial ruin, the nature of the media, the political/ religious climate of hatred and righteousness seem to have escalated the human need to heal from within.  Those of you who receive these reminders are the ones who can vision, forgive, lead by example, teach, heal and remind others of their true nature.  I thank us all and bless us all for our willingness.  Betty Lue

Time to be kind to the One you love.
Begin with yourself.
You will find that everything you dump comes from your own inner woundedness.
You will heal when you heal the woundedness in you.

This is the generation in which we have the time, energy and willingness to clean up our act.
We are the ones who can stop the rampant violence, depression and harmful habits.
We can together heal what is not helpful, healing, beneficial, and kind for others.
We can undo what is ineffective, negative, blaming and destructive.

We need to heal the origin of our inner wound.
Awareness without judgment is healing.What we reveal with compassion and understanding will heal.
When we offer peace to our inner conflict and love to our fears, we can heal.

When an infant or toddler is rejected or punished for making a mistake, they may reject and punish others.
When a parent/teacher displayed anger or withheld love when you made mistakes, you may do the same.
When you saw people be cruel or lose their temper, you may do likewise.
What we experienced as very young children imprints our behaviors as adults.

To be rejected or abandoned by a parent (a child’s interpretation), often creates episodic abandonment of others and yourself.
How we were “loved” or “punished” often imprints adults to do the same to their children and mate.
It is imperative to stop the cycle of insanity and abuse to be conscious  about our thought and words.
It is essential that we do the work to clear the patterns of destructive and  counter productive behaviors.

Some perpetuate the destructive behaviors by acting out on their loved ones.
Some generate more of their childhood patterns by expecting and unconsciously inviting like experiences.
Some are passive and allow abusive behaviors.
Some pick and nag and aggravate in order to get the same behaviors as were familiar in childhood.

We each have a part to play in healing the wounds.
We each need to heal the limiting and harmful patterns within.
We each need to step away from the immediate precipitating event and look within.
We each need to ask ourselves: What is really upsetting us and what can we heal within ourselves?
At this time there seems to be make broken or disrupted relationships emerging.
People who have been hurting for years are now coming forth and asking for healing solutions.
We are at a crossroads: either actively and consciously heal the old wounds or let go and step away to find the clarity, conviction and consciously choose again for what is beneficial for all concerned.

There is no value or benefit in hurting another.
There is no value or benefit in letting yourself be hurt.
There is no value or benefit in continuing to play destructive unkind games.
There is no value or benefit in staying numb or unconscious with addictions to work, drugs, alcohol, etc…

It is time to wakeup.
Give yourself a new life.
Heal your old wound.
Present a positive model for your children and others to learn from.

I love enough to remind you of who you really are under the scars and rewounding you perpetuate.

Betty Lue