Sunday, September 12, 2010

Who Do You Admire?

Who Do You Admire?

What you perceive in others, you strengthen in yourself.
When you admire someone, you look at their strengths.
When you admire, you see the qualities you value.
When you admire, you appreciate what you see.

Admiration creates more of the same, in you and in the other.
Admiration begets more of those qualities we value in ourselves.
Clarify who and what you admire to strengthen those qualities in yourself.
Appreciate fully those who have the qualities you want to strengthen.

Who Do you Criticize?

What you perceive in them, you strengthen in yourself.
When you criticize someone, you look at their weakness.
When you criticize, you see qualities you devalue.
When you criticize, you give attention to what don’t want in yourself.

Criticism creates more of the same, in the other and in you.
Criticism begets more of those qualities in ourselves.
Clarify who and what qualities you seek to eliminate in yourself.
Ignore what you seek to eliminate and focus on what you want to strengthen.

Forgive yourself for using criticism and judgment as a tool to change yourself and others.
Forgive your misunderstanding how attention amplifies and creates more of the same.
Forgive our society for focusing on what is wrong, sick, difficult and dangerous.
Forgive our human unconsciousness for using ineffective tools in our faulty attempt to improve.

Positive begets positive.
Admiration inspires more to admire.
Forgiveness focuses on letting go and undoing.
Building on our strengths releases what is weak and ineffective.

The Why Wait Group I have just begun via email is ready to focus on “Going for It!”
Who do you admire?
What do you appreciate?
What are your strengths?
How do you appreciate yourself?
It is fun, safe and easy to appreciate and admire yourself and  your many strengths, gifts and talents!
Betty Lue