You cannot trust others when you do not trust yourself!
How can you trust yourself when you do not take care of you?
How can you trust yourself when you do not give yourself what is best for you?
How can you trust yourself when you do not think the best thoughts about yourself?
How can you trust yourself when you lie, cheat and steal from yourself?
This sounds terrible, like how could we be doing this to ourselves.
Not me you say, but take a listen inside to the negative, critical or hurtful thoughts you may hold.
Pay attention to any ways that you steal precious time from your own joy by being despondant.
Notice how much you tell half truths in order to sound good, when you feel bad about something.
Listen for the negative gossip or stories you tell about your mistakes or ill health or lack of abilities.
Are you aware of how many times you have allowed yourself to be bullied or pressured by others?
Do you stop yourself from teaching others you don’t deserve respect because you fail to respect yourself?
Are you able to stand up for yourself and have confidence in your capabilities?
Do you forgive any insulting thoughts you may hold and instantly replace them with kindness?
Are you willing to make positive choices and stick to them even when distracted by other demands?
Are you handling your finances in a way that supports feeling secure and safe>
Do you choose wisely what to read and watch and listen to so that you are inspired daily?
Do you honor your gifts and use them wisely and well, encouraging and enjoying each day?
Do you take time to appreciate your own accomplishments just as would a mentor or coach?
Are you engaged in a life style and friendships that support your best self and delete what is not best?
Are you a good manager of your resources and your energy so that you neither overdo nor withhold?
Do you continually choose the path of greatest blessing and benefit to you?
When you can honestly say you really are your own best friend, you can trust yourself.
When you can truly give yourself the best to you each day, you can trust yourself.
When you can only hold the most affirming thoughts and beliefs about you, you can trust yourself.
When you can choose the most supportive and inspiring life style, you can trust yourself.
When you trust, respect and love yourself well, the whole world will be see with trust.
Loving you,
Betty Lue