When you appreciate what you have, you feel rich, prosperous and blessed.
When you judge what you have, you feel needy, lacking and unfulfilled.
Are you willing to have less in order to appreciate more?
When we have more than we can use, care for and appreciate, we diminish the value of what we have.
When we have less and just the right amount we can use, maintain and enjoy, we amplify their value.
Consider choosing to really utilize, care for and appreciate all you have.
True prosperity does not come from acquiring more.
Our riches come from valuing what we have.
Our enjoyment comes from ceasing to judge, compare and expect more.
Our abundance comes from increasing the value of what we already have.
Partners, homes, jobs, transportation, food, clothing are all places where we have forgotten to appreciate.
When we compare, condemn, feel regret, waste, hoard, we keep ourselves in a state of need and greed.
It takes very little to simply shift into appreciating the blessings and benefits of now.
In return we feel happy, prosperous, fulfilled when we fully value all we have.
Instead of being angry or offended about cleaning your home or car, how appreciating having them?
Instead of wishing your husband or children were more appreciative, how about appreciating them?
Instead of wanting a better job, how about valuing and enjoying have a place to go to work?
Instead of complaining about your weight or aches and wrinkles, how about be grateful to be alive?
To focus on what is wrong, is an unhappy and pitiful song.
To focus on what is right, fills us with strength and gladness.
With a simple twist of our attitude, an upset can turn into a laughable joke.
With the magic of the mind, we can step our of a bind into an abundant find.
Life is good.
Life is gift.
Life is worthy of our attention and appreciation.
Turn away from what you are judging not enough and see it for what it is….A gift of Good for You.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
Dear Friend of Reunion Ministries,
You are an angel to Reunion Ministries and to me.
Your prayers, blessing and financial contributions empower the work we do together.
You are a source of inspiration and encouragement for me.
You are a mighty and gentle force of spiritual support.
I am indebted to you for joining me in this work.
Your input and feedback are essential to keep me on target.
Spiritual leaders need a strong “truth-telling” support team.
Thank you. Betty Lue
Reunion Ministries
104 Riviera Dr.
Rio Vista, CA 94571