What you believe is what you perceive.
The mind searches for evidence that what you believe is true.
What you perceive in others you strengthen in yourself.
The qualities you judge in others become the predominant qualities in yourself.
Who you associate with becomes you.
Associations influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
As a man thinks, so he becomes.
What we think about, envision and affirm, becomes how we live.
As I spend time observing and admiring the life of Jesus, Muktananda, Buddha, St. Francis and other spiritual teachers and leaders, I find those qualities strengthened in myself.
As I spend time observing and playing with my grandchildren, I find those qualities emerging in myself.
As I step away from gossip, commercials, violent stories and programming, I am free to choose.
As I give myself quiet time and sacred space to reclaim inner peace, my life is simply fun, safe and easy.
What fills our minds becomes our experience.
What fills our lives becomes our belief.
What fills our beliefs becomes our perceptions.
What fills our perceptions becomes our reality.
We can choose to change our perceptions and our beliefs, our experience and our reality.
We can choose to step away from images that are fearful and ugly and embrace love and beauty.
We can choose to honor our innocence and stop watching violence and bad dreams.
We can choose to envision, speak and behave the goodness we want to see in our world.
Changing our choices changes our life.
Changing our attitude changes our life.
Changing our beliefs changes our life.
Changing our associations changes our life.
Changing our activities changes our life.
Changing our mind changes our life.
It is fun, safe and easy to forgive our past choices and to choose again for the best way we know.
It is helpful and kind to forgive others choices and to imagine everyone choosing for their best.
It is generous and creative to forgive past mis-creations and allow the Good within us to choose.
It is simply and effective to forgive what are defenses against the Truth and choose for Truth.
We have the power, the freedom, the right and the privilege to choose again.
Let’s do it!
Loving You,
Betty Lue