Friday, July 02, 2010

Reminder Days

Special days are reminders days.
Special people offer special reminders.
Special moments give us wakeup calls.
Special events help us remember what to cherish.

Today is my Mom’s birthday. July 2, 1921
Today is the birthday of our spiritual relationship (Robert and myself).
(The date exactly half way between our birthdates.)
This is no accident. “Everything is an on purpose.”
The opportunity to awaken and feel blessed is everywhere in everything and everyone.
We could be celebrating miracles every moment if we were fully alive and in love.
There is no lack of anything we value and no limitation that keeps us from our vision.
What we perceive is a result of our selective remembering and unconscious thoughts we hold.

Over the years I have written thousands of affirmations for myself and for others.
Affirmations are loving reminders specifically written to erase false beliefs and illusions.
I have a little book of affirmations I wrote in 1978 and affirmation cards available for purchase.
I have my own deck of affirmations I wrote about 20 years ago which I occasionally return to.

Ask yourself why not create your own AFFIRMATIONS specifically suited to remember?
Why not create relationships which keep you in touch with what you want to believe?
Why not live a life daily that reminds you how valuable you are and appreciates YOU?
Why not carry around in your wallet, car, purse or bathroom mirror words that affirm You?

Are you so unimportant that you can afford to neglect yourself?
Are you so lazy that you cannot take the time and make the effort?
Is your life so insignificant that you really don’t matter to you?
Or are you ready, willing and able to do what it takes to see you are SPECIAL?

I have a very special life with special people and special moments and special events!
Only because I have chosen them all and celebrate them all with full appreciation.

I have given my life and everyone in it meaning….positive, beneficial, blessed meaning.
I have chosen to relinquish fear, judgment and attack, because I choose to be happy and in love.

You can too!
Everyday in everyway with everyone, seek to perceive the gift the blessing.
Say “thank you Goodness” and appreciate every bit of light and love, joy and freedom you can find!
Affirm with positive thoughts and positive pictures, positive words and positive reminders.
Be the Good you want to see today!

Let’s get free together and fully love one another.
Betty Lue

My affirmations for the day:I joyfully walk in this world realizing the Remembrance of Love is our soul purpose here.
I live, play and work with elegant ease and a lighthearted spontaneity