The Remembrance of Love is our Soul Purpose here.
We cannot remember what we choose to forget.
Listening to the voices for Love, Kindness and Gratitude is our path.
Following those who teach with fear, ignorance and hatred renders us deaf.
What voices are you listening to?
Do you listen to those who label, belittle and give death sentences?
Or do you listen to the voice for God and Good in your life?
Are you judging your whole self based on the condition of your body, your finances, your family?
Or are you seeing yourself as a whole and holy being who is here to share the Love you are?
The word and the vibration of sound is seen as the origin and the beginning of all that seems to be.
The power of prayer acknowledges the healing power of the infinite, the All knowing One.
The teaching power of our educators responds to the voice of those who have knowledge and wisdom.
The directive power of those in authority from the pulpit and the military comes with their commandments.
Are you listening to the loudest voice?
The most peaceful voice?
The voice of authority?
The sounds backed up by research or educational degree?
Do you listen to the little children?
The man who is homeless and on the streets?
Do you listen to the soldier who gave life and limb for his country?
Do you hear the tears, the passion, the fears or the sincerity of conviction?
Do you listen to the winds in the forest?
The waves in the ocean and the calls of the birds?
Do you hear the calling of nature and bountiful mother earth?
What do you hear when you listen?
What is your Soul Purpose here?
Do you listen for drama and neediness, urgency and pain?
Do you listen for peace and prosperity, vision and possibility?
Are you listening with your heart or your head, your Spiritual vision or human history?
Where we focus our attention, we attract to ourselves.
Where we give energy, we infuse with power and increase.
Where we deny power, we diminish its value.
When we do not feed, we turn away and seek the Truth.
Turn a deaf ear on what you do not want to hear.
Turn away from voices that demand attention like a tantruming child.
Turn away from those who would sell you their hypocrisy.
Turn away from those who want to win at the expense of others.
Listen to the voice for Love.
Listen to the voice for Peace.
Listen to the voices for Generosity, Kindness, Joy, Open-Mindedness,
Gentleness, Tolerance, Trust, Faithfulness, Honesty, Patience.
It is your choice as to whom and for what you listen.
I choose to listen to the Voice for Goodness and Love.
And so it is that I feel Good and Loved.
Betty Lue
The Two Wolves
A Cherokee elder was teaching his grandchildren about life.
He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me… it is a terrible fight between two wolves.
One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, hatefulness, and lies.
The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, humbleness, kindness, friendship, generosity, faith, and truth.
This same fight is going on inside of you, and inside every other person, too.”
The children thought about it for a minute. Then one child asked his grandfather,
“Which wolf will win?”
The Cherokee elder replied…“The one you feed.”