Sunday, May 30, 2010


Do you know your purpose in being here?
Do you intend to fulfill your purpose in this world?
Do you commit daily to give yourself to Goodness?
Do you love yourself, your Source and your fellowman?

I have been wondering:
Why people don’t love unconditionally?
Why don’t people serve others from their heart?
Why don’t people remember Goodness and the Source of all Good?

It makes no sense to give less than our best all the time.
It limits our joy and fulfillment to withhold our love.
It leads to depression and failure to forget all the Good there is in our lives.
It produces feelings of limitation, lack and littleness to forget our intention and live off purpose.

The best I can make up is that people have a habit of neglect and unconsciousness.
Maybe humanity has learned to be afraid of contribution, power, health, abundance and success?
Maybe people have competed and lost, sacrifices and been crucified, given and been used?
Maybe folks are lazy in comfort and complacency, complaining about not having been given more?

Change your intention and you change your life.
Forgive all your mistakes and bad habits and wakeup to contribute.
Undo the limiting beliefs that have held you prisoner in your imprisoned mind.
Empower yourself with giving always and only the Best you have to everyone everywhere.

You deserve the best both given and received.
You will have what you need when your intention is to give from your unlimited Love Center.
You will know great wealth when you invest in loving all unconditionally.
You will be successful, happy and fulfilled with you realize the Abundance of Goodness in You.

 Give by praying and envisioning Good for yourself and your brothers and sisters on the planet.
Love by speaking words of appreciation, inspiration and kindness to all you encounter.
Remember the blessings, the gifts, the joys of life and your will remember God’s Goodness.
When you love, serve and remember, you will know your Source within your Self.

Live your healing, helpful and Holy Purpose by loving and giving the One You Are.
Loving you,  

Betty Lue