Healing responses are healthy and helpful.
Healing responses are loving and kind.
Healing responses are positive and affirming.
Healing responses are encouraging and trusting.
When we are confronted with fear, anger, jealousy, sorrow, pain and conflict, we tend to react in like manner.
When we give meet fear with fear and anger with anger, etc, we are confirming that reality.
When we stop and offer what is highest and best for the other, we begin to heal what seems to be the problem.
When we take the time to offer healing rather than fixing, advising or sympathy, we are truly helpful.
How healing responds depends on the person, the emotions, the circumstance and the time.
Healing responses offer what is needed rather than what is wanted many times.
Healing responses listen deeper than the surface story to the real call for love and assurance.
Healing responses invite the most conscious person to give what they hear and know within.
I have noticed that the world seems to have trained human personalities to all react to fear with fear.
It seems we almost unconsciously think the same victimization thoughts as the apparent “victim”.
We tend to believe that the world of good and bad is real and we are here to stamp out the bad.
We seem to fall into the historical patterns of punishment and defensiveness to prevent “bad” experiences.
When you have a negative thought or dramatic encounter or scary experience, how you respond is key.
Take a moment to breathe and get centered in your own truth and value system.
Respect the event by taking time to look deeper than the story, your interpretation and see what is real.
Ask yourself how you can respond in the most “healing” way.
If you are confused, ask for more information.
If you are in doubt, ask the other how they could respond in the most helpful way.
If you are stuck in fear, be reassuring to yourself first in the way that works for you.
Rather than add to the difficulty, give yourself a “time out” to find the peace within.
Remember, there is no “right” way to respond.
There are ways that heal and help and are empowering.
There are ways that hurt and distract and are weakening.
The work of the conscious healing presence is to seek and find what is most helpful to all concerned.
I love being willing to ask myself..what can I do to bring more peace and love to this situation?
How can I be the One who is willing to respond in a new or novel way that brings more consciousness?
How can I say or do something that will offer new insight, a fresh perspective and a peaceful outcome?
Everything is an opportunity to heal and reveal the blessing or defend and cover up positive learning?
Loving us all as we learn together…how to be truly helpful!
Betty Lue
A Time Of Transformation
The Piscean Age
The Piscean Age was a time filled with victimization consciousness, a time of being at the effect of outer authority, learning to accept the way it was, expressing no preferences, being docile, submissive and humbly suffering in silence, self-martyrdom, giving all for the sake of others, believing that to have less was holy, and allowing the concept of God to be one in which we suffer, pay for our sinfulness and serve others to make penance.
The age past: Have less, suffer more, ask for nothing, wait for heaven. The age of atonement for sins, crucifixion, suffering and sacrifice in order to reap the rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven after death.
The Aquarian Age
The coming Aquarian Age is a time where all will know they are “at cause” in their domain, co-creators with Divine Will, manifesting only that which is good, beautiful and holy. All mankind will awaken to their Inner Authority, the Voice of Divine Consciousness and will follow only that which is for the greatest Good. Happiness, harmony and health will reign as each individual recognizes and expresses their full potential and reaps the abundance of their natural heritage. It will be a time of no guilt, no fear, of choosing what is valuable, expressing the Truth, giving with joy, having everything we want, and of praising God for the perfection of His creation where all live in Love and Peace and Joy: Heaven on Earth NOW.
Transition Period
This in-between time is a period of testing and sorting through. Man is awakening to his divinity, to his inherited right and capacity for choice. As man awakens, great surges of guilt and fear of punishment will flow through humankind calling for forgiveness and light-filled blessing. As man chooses to see his mis-creations without guilt, he will acknowledge the learning value, the needed undoing, and open to the opportunity to choose again for his Highest Vision. Praise God. We are learning to judge nothing, to wholly love and honor ourselves, to give ourselves the highest we know.
Betty Lue 1978