Those who live on purpose are at peace.
Those who live on purpose are happy and content.
Those who live on purpose feel good about what they are doing.
Those who live on purpose feel fulfilled in their lives.
Being on purpose is not seeking to achieve something more.
Being on purpose is allowing your inner spirit to lead the way.
Being on purpose is loving being alive and giving with joy.
Being on purpose is living in a way that you could for the rest of your life.
Some would say on the spiritual or inspirational path….
Peace is our single goal.
The aim of all our living here.
The end we seek,
Our Purpose, our Function and our Life. (from ACIM)
The Peace I speak is the Piece of Good You Are here to be and do and give and have.
The Piece of Good You Are to be is allowing all your Goodness to shine through everything your think and say and do!
Our Purpose is very simple and very clear.
It is to be what we are here to be, in whatever calling, worldly career or profession we have.
We are created by Love as Loving
We are created by Joy as Joyful.
We are created by Power as Powerful.
We are created by Peace as Peaceful.
When you are fearful, you are not on purpose.
When you are angry, you are off purpose.
When you are upset, you have lost your way.
When you are conflicted, you have forgotten.
Life is simple and clear.
We are here to find our path, stay on purpose and demonstrate the Powerful, Peaceful, Joyful and Loving Beings we are created to be.
When we find this place, just right, we are to own and honor, respect and value ourselves and our way.
Living on purpose invites us to be grateful
Living on purpose encourages us to stay focused.
Living on purpose requires us to be conscious.
Living on purpose shows us how to love ourselves well.
I am loving you in living on purpose everyday in everyway with everyone, including yourself!
Wake up and be grateful for the beauty of being alive!
Betty Lue
You may not know about these inspiring and valuable taped (CD) readings which Dr. Robert Waldon does using his 20 years of experience and author of Soul’s Awakening a synthesis of the most inspiring and spiritual content of over 20 forms of numerology/symbology.
These CD’s are often revisited many times over as reminders of what is essential and intrinsic in your life.
You are far more than you yet recognize!
Robert’s Life Purpose Readings will help you discover, reclaim and actualize the life you are here to experience.
Guaranteed to inform, inspire and encourage. A bargain at twice the investment!
Betty Lue
Life Purpose Readings
Learn about:
• What you have come into this life to teach and learn.
• Your Soul's ultimate purpose.
• The gifts you bring and which are here for you.
• Where you are in your personal program Now.
• Universal energies at work now, affecting you and everyone.
• Your relationship to the world—physical, mental, emotional, creative.
• How your 10 Spiritual Bodies serve you.
• Past soul connections and current lifetime challenges with significant people.
• How to stay on purpose (or get back on when you're off).
• Personal and interpersonal integration.
• Balancing your life for highest Spiritual expression.
• Coming to fully live your magnificence and actualize your potential.
Call Robert Waldon at 800-919-2392 or email to provide the needed information for the one hour personal reading on CD. $149 per reading.
There is no need to be present for the reading. CD will be sent in one week from order.
What I need in order to do the recording:
1. Your full birth name (even if you have never used it in that form).
2. Your birth date (month, day and year).
3. The first name, birth date and relationship of anyone who is significant in your life and you would like to know any patterns of soul connection which are being called upon. (This is a minor, but interesting part of the tape and I can include up to 8 individuals--or none at all, if you wish.)