Just returned from Calif. Assn. Marriage and Family Therapists Annual Conference in LA, where I facilitate the 6:30AM Daily Holistic Self Renewal one hour workshop every morning for therapists and interns. We practice a moving meditation called T’ai Chi Chih and the energetic exercises “Waker’s Dozen” from applied Kinesiology and Touch for Health. I always include inspiration and affirmations to encourage more inner listening and impeccable self care. It is an uplifting and joyful contribution to those who serve from their heart and share wisdom and helpful guidance with their clients.
I know the need and hear the call.
I am able and willing to respond.
I am free to choose to serve in the ways that are for the Highest Good.
I choose to use my gifts for the Good of All.
I am free and able to respond.
I am responsible and free to choose how I respond.
I am able and willing to be of service.
I receive as I give and am blessed in the giving.
How are you responsible for the world you see?
What do you believe you are called to be and do?
How do your choices benefit and bless you?
In what ways do you see you are blessed by your loving service to others?
The world appears to have need for those who are willing to serve with the gifts we are given.
Our communities and families seem to be calling for those who are able to counsel, heal, teach and serve.
Our institutions are in need of renewal and transformation to better meet the needs of the people.
Our children need respectful, responsible and helpful role models to learn how to be truly helpful.
This is a powerful time to find meaning and purpose in our everyday lives.
We each and all need to have a distinct and meaningful purpose for living.
When we actualize our potential and live our purpose, we freely respond with and for the Good of All.
When we encourage everyone to be fulfilled, we create a world of gratitude, peace and Joy.
Yes, you are free to choose your life path.
Yes, you are free to choose who and how you live.
Yes, you are free to choose how you love and give.
Yes, you are free to be exactly what you choose to be.
You are responsible for being able to respond to whatever comes your way!
You can respond with willingness and wisdom.
You can respond with resentment and suffering.
You can respond with gratitude and enthusiasm.
It is our choice as to when and where, how and why we respond.
This is the blessing of this life of freedom and responsibility.
I know you join me in appreciating the gift this is
I honor you and me and we in all we do to stay True to our calling.
Loving you,
Betty Lue