Do It and Be Happy Doing It!
These are some lyrics I wrote in 1986.
They still apply to me today.
I am happy doing what I am called to do.
I choose to be happy doing whatever it is I do.
My Doing is Being Happy.
Right now there is much ….happening.
I am in the flow of letting go of thought, judgment and efforting.
Be willing to do it and be happy doing it!
Moved my offices Sunday and created organization and beauty yesterday.
This AM a little Feng Shui and some signs and all will be in order.
All day retreat at our home in Rio Vista on Saturday “Spiritualizing Your Life”
Finding the best way to be and stay inspired and inspiring is the key to be HAPPY!
Tomorrow after a day with the Alameda grandchildren we fly to LA for a 4 day conference.
I facilitate Daily Holistic Renewal and T’ai Chi Chih at 6:30AM every morning.
This is an annual gift to the California Marriage and Family therapists and interns.
It is also where I remind myself what is essential to live the highest and best way.
We continue daily to take impeccable care of our home and finances.
We continue to take good care of our mind, body and spirit.
We give ourselves home-cooked organic vegetarian diet and time in nature.
We give ourselves time for spiritual practice, rest and relaxation.
Classes and clients are Loving Reminders for me.
Teaching is learning and remembering with every thought, word and activity.
My full schedule requires absolute focus with no time for worry or judgment.
My business works only because I am present with each activity without distraction.
Life is a joy because it works for me.
And it works for me because I enjoy it all.
How could you improve the quality of your life?
How can you choose to be happy with everything you do?
How can you let go of fear, worry and guilt?
How can you release distractions, delays, procrastination and judgment?
When my life is observed, it may seem full lots of doing and lots of joy in doing it!
This is the Truth, because I choose to Love my life and all I am and have and do!
Try it! You can Love You too!
Betty Lue