If not here, WHERE?
If not me, WHO?
Is it time for you to spring into action?
So often the ego, the learned fear, holds back.
More than not, we are victims of our own false and limited learning.
We live in a world which invites endless analysis, justification and explanation before we will go for it!
We humans often wait, delay and paralyze ourselves with denying our own intuitive inner knowing.
Use your inner sense, the guideposts of inner knowing…sometimes feelings, sometimes simply Yes!
If you do nothing, there is no possibility of success….
If you do something, at least you give fulfillment a chance.
If you go for what has heart and meaning, at the very least, you experience the heart and meaning.
Without fully living true to yourself, you never experience the fullness of YOU.
Without giving yourself a chance, you never know what might be.
Without moving through the fear and excuses, you never see the possibilities unfold.
Without every saying YES to your inner vision, there will never be manifestation and fulfillment.
Just step forward in faith.
Act on what you know.
See what you want to BE.
Believe what can be is possible.
Be enthusiastic rather than doubtful.
Observe the experience of each step to know what is next.
Commit to moving through and around all resistance and obstacles.
Act, think and talk like you are committed and believe in yourself and your vision.
Be delighted and grateful for your willingness to go for it and whatever it yields, Bless it All.
You see in the end, it is what you experienced that really matters.
You deserve to realize all your highest visions and to live your Highest Good.
Only You can stop you or Go For It…….so Why Not!
Believing in You in all you do for the sake of Good!
Betty Lue
A glimpse of the fun you can have at the Lake House in Hidden Valley Lake, CA
Even adults can have fun! Just Go for it!
Three little exuberant guests at the Lake House playing music, dancing and having fun!