During our spiritual retreat in Hawaii, I have once again begun to explore what needs to be seen, acknowledged, forgiven, accepted, healed and used for good.
When we retain our past history, unconscious limitations, our ancestral beliefs, judgments and fears,
We allow them to confuse and cloud the inner truth of our wholeness, Goodness and Innocence.
As I was listening this AM, I realized food, friendship, forgiveness, fears and faith are keys.
The fuel we choose for our body and our psyche is essential to that which we believe we are.
The friends and family, those we associate with create a circle of comfort and compliance.
The way we handle our fears, believing or relieving them, is the choice to contract or expand.
The forgiveness of mistakes, yours, mine and ours, determines the freedom and trust in which we live.
The faith we have in ourselves, our Source, humanity and our world culture determines our future.
I will be sharing more on these areas in future writings, I am sure.
Here in Hawaii on retreat, we will be exploring how and what we eat, with whom we share our hopes and dreams, the ways we handle our predominant fears, how easily we forgive and where we place our faith.
These five determine our destiny, our health, happiness and life fulfillment.
Only when we have consciously and consistently handled these areas, can we begin to free ourselves to live the life for which we volunteered.
Only when we have healed the past and are choosing the best in the present can we realize our true purpose in Being.
Only when we are ingesting what is highest and best for body and mind can we be magnificent in thought, word and deed.
Only when we are associating with those who encourage and inspire us, support and appreciate, can we actualize the best within humanity.
Only when we meet our fears with courage and resilience can we free ourselves to know limitless Love.
Only when we are willing to forgive everyone and everything for all time, including ourselves, can we be free.
Only when we have faith in the intrinsic Goodness and Love in all creation can we go forth with enthusiasm and perfect Trust in the Highest Outcome for All.
It is time to decide to forgive (erase) all, taking thought for nothing, and trusting Truth within.
It is our work to give up using habitual excuses and justifications and allow our inner Light to shine.
It is our moment to be present with those we encounter with authenticity, honesty and compassion.
It is our healing purpose to see beneath the apparent drama and trauma to the Awakening within.
It is fuel for the Soul to know we are one family, one together, ascending in faith and Love.
I am loving me and you and all of us as One,
Blessing of beauty and bounty, and radiant Joy,
Betty Lue