Happy Holidays!
Preparing for the Holy Days (holiday) is done best with remembering to Love.
Yet, it seems that those who are needy are still looking for how to “get” the Love they need.
The coming Holidays and the full moon on Wednesday may be intensifying your experience.
You may have set up expectations for how you want to be treated, talked to, supported and gifted.
Expectations come from fantasy, immaturity and neediness.
We think they help us set goals, achieve agreement and make the world the way we want it.
Maybe the world is teaching us to be the way that is best for us.
Maybe our relationships are reflecting the errors of our minds, our beliefs, our history.
Some have been taught that the world revolves around them, that their needs come first.
Some have been taught that they don’t matter at all, that they must serve other’s needs.
Some have been taught to take care of your own needs and never depend on another to be there.
Some have been taught to trust God, Higher Power, and inner Love and Light than never forsakes us.
Love is Trust and Love is Freedom.
Each one of us must learn to let go and allow each individual to have their own healing process.
Yes, in our trust for one another, we can support, encourage and be a consistent loving Presence.
But, in the process we each must treat ourselves with love, respect and trust our inner healing.
Looking for the perfect Love from another is risky because that individual has their own work.
What would it take to step aside from judgment, complaints and criticism and simply do the work?
Like school, we cannot let another to do our work for us and learn what we are here to learn.
We cannot cheat by taking on another’s work because we want to help them pass.
We cannot have win-win experiences by comparing, competing and wanting to be better than.
We cannot experience true success without first healing ourselves, our thoughts, feelings and history.
Whether we are four or one hundred and four, rich or poor, well read or ignorant, we must do the work.
It matters not our age, nationality, religion, family history, physical condition, we each can find peace.
Inner peace is not dependent on others or on outer conditions.
Inner peace and healing are found in the Love (trust and freedom), we have within us.
In the realm of Divine Love, inspired Love, there is no conditionality, no comparison and no end.
In relationships, we simply find a place to practice giving love with no condition, comparison or end.
In our lifetimes, we are learning how to “earn our wings”, by expending the Love of God to all.
In our experiences, we are given opportunities to forgive all fear and remember Only Love is Real.
Remember, we are gifts for one another.
Life is for giving.
You are the Gift.
It is in giving the gift of Love you are that you truly discover the gift of Your Self.
I am Love You with All I know, All I have and All I give.
The Blessings Already Are.
You are a blessing to me and to your world.
Betty Lue