The undoing of the emails has resulted in a deep gratitude for the ability to channel the Good News.
The request for your help has elicited a profound awareness of how many of you value them.
The willingness you have to respond to my request has touched my heart and fills me with joy.
The support of Robert and Fred, Comcast business support, has been extraordinary.
I feel blessed to be here now able and willing to share the best I know and the Good I have.
The “problem” may not yet be “fixed”, but the experience has been rich and full of learning.
The channel for Good is always freer after the clog is removed, erased and forgiven.
Fear constricts and trust opens.
Sometimes we win the greatest success after experiencing the deepest failure.
Often we win by letting ourselves lose.
Sometimes we find what we have always been seeking when we stop looking.
Life is not measured by how much we have, but more by what we give.
Yes, it is time for all of us to seek the blessing in what is.
Look at situations differently than you have and see what is really under the apparent problem.
“In This is Good.
In This is God.
In This is a Gift for me.
I claim the Blessing that is mine now.”
Life is filled with miracles of Love for those willing to see.
In order to see the Gifts and miracles, we must stop looking for the curses, errors and failures.
Become a love-finder in all your relationships.
Become a miracle seeker and see miracles in everything.
During these holy days, take time each day to fully appreciate yourself and all you give.
When you are filled with the blessings of your life, give your full appreciation to those around you.
Life is rich with abundance and prosperity for those who are grateful.
Life is full of love and happiness for those who share their love freely with others.
Life is a creative canvas on which to paint our appreciation for al that is when we live in love.
Extend peace and know the Peace of God.
All is well.
Loving you with All We are together,
Betty Lue