Sunday, November 15, 2009

Family Harmony

Whether you want to improve your relationship with your children, your partner, your extended family or friends, your co-workers or others, the same tools apply.

·     One person can affect change in others.
·     One person can bring peace.
·     One person can stop and listen.
·     One person can offer true forgiveness.
·     One person can begin again.
·     One person can teach by example.
·     One person can offer kindness.
·     One person can see things differently.
·     One person can take responsibility.
·     One person can want peace more than conflict.
·     One person can speak with respect.
·     One person can do the work.

You are the One.
You came to bring Peace.
Your inner harmony can change the energy in your family.
Your peace of mind can bring peace to other minds.

How can you find inner peace?
Believe no inflammatory remarks.
Trust everyone is doing their best.
Stop criticizing and complaining and do Good.
Honor each one’s right to say what they believe.
Respect differences without making anyone wrong.
Trust your inner code of ethics and live your principles.
Listen first to what others are really trying to say.
Seek to understand before trying to be understood.
Always create the goal of peace with win-win solutions.
Share your viewpoint and position only once with no defensiveness.
When the other disagrees, there is no need to argue… only causes resistance.
Let go and put peace first.
When people feel peace, they can and will open to greater understanding.
Know you cannot know what others think, feel, want and are willing to do.
Do that which supports everyone in returning to Love, trust and freedom.

Bless us all for our willingness to find a better way.
Betty Lue