The flexible ones keep trying options until they succeed.
Those who are both willing to explore and never quit, eventually succeed.
Those who are flexible in their ideas, perceptions, approach and determination always win.
Failing comes when we have a fixed goal and are unwilling to be open to alternative outcomes.
Loss is experienced when we believe we know what is best and are unwilling to change our minds.
What if we discover that what we thought we wanted is not highest and best for those we love?
What if we learn that everything always works more exquisitely than we can plan?
Is it possible that what we seek is unhealthy and yields unhappiness?
Are we willing to look at our choices differently?
Are we open to the possibility that only when we let go of safe, can we reach for what is Great?
Are we willing to be responsible for playing our part fully, giving our best and trust the outcome?
Recently I have watched how I save pennies thinking it was a good deal, while spending extra time.
I have seen how false economy can lead to missing what is really the highest choice in that time.
I noticed how people eat in a restaurant for $50-$100, and complain about fees of $50-$100/hr.
My Dad used to grocery shop at 4 different stores to save money from coupons and specials.
(He had the time and loved the social interaction. Saving money was his excuse.)
As I was buying a backpack on wheels for my granddaughter, I thought all those money conscious thoughts and explored excessively, while imagining she would not appreciate the money spent.
These are judgments which are unnecessary and unloving. This is thinking which is not helpful and denies the love which seeks to give her the best to care for her back. I stopped myself and asked for Robert’s encouragement to do the “right” thing, the loving thing and simply give what she wanted and needed.
My gift to you and me today is:
Remember to do and spend and give only and always with Love and Gratitude.
Realize we live in a world of judgmental opinions, false beliefs, cultural myths as well as common sense.
Recognize we are here to love and respect, trust and support one another in being happy and healthy.
Return to the ways that are innocent and natural, giving always and only with childlike Joy and Love.
Be willing to open the door of your heart and spend time, money and energy on what you love.
Be open to trusting and freeing your creative and giving nature.
Be honest with yourself about medicating the pain of not loving with temporary excessive pleasures.
Be forgiving of those areas of false spending, giving to get and stepping away from your heart’s desires.
Love yourself and others well today.
Succeed at doing what you love for the sake of Love.
Allow your flexible and creative spirit to show you the way.
Give up past ways of withholding Love and contradicition of values.
Give Love and Love will give to you.
Live Joy and Happiness will be your gift.
Be Peace and see Peace in you life.
Set Your Self free to Be the One you seek.
Loving you, Betty Lue
Love is willing.
Love is protection.
Love is healing.
Love is happiness.
Love is God.
Yes, Second time to share this everyday miracle of love.
Simply Love.
Be patient.
Appreciate the opportunity to give love.
Trust all is well.
Sometimes we see the miracle with our human senses .............
Sometimes the miracle occurs without physical proof beyond this world.
God as a resurrected dragonfly!
Reiki hands and lots of loving appreciation and she flew away to our delight.