Love does not give too much nor martyr itself.
Love does not withhold or deny others.
Love flows easily and endlessly.
Love never ends and always prevails.
True Giving is done from the heart, never from duty or obligation.
True Giving is a gift to the giver, a gift of freedom and trust.
True Giving has no thought for reciprocity or return.
True Giving is open, generous and willing to simply be given.
When we are giving to get, we are giving from lack.
When we are giving to get feedback, thanks or a gift in return, we are giving from our ego.
When we are giving for the joy of giving, we are giving from abundance.
When are we are giving for the sake of giving, we are giving for the sake of extending our love.
Flow flows with giving.
Love loves with loving.
Freedom frees with freeing.
Being be’s by simply being.
We know our selves and our holy Truth only when we rise above the pettiness of the egoic needs.
We know our selves and our infinite nature only when we give ourselves without needing an outcome.
We know our Identity when we give ourselves without the need to seek approval or acknowledgment.
We know the Love We Are in Truth when we are Loving simply for the sake of Love.
In present moment living, we have no afterthoughts.
In present moment being, we are full of joyous beingness.
Much as a child is totally engaged in the play of life, we can return to our natural state of Love.
In present time, there is only the beauty and Goodness of each moment, enjoying fully.
When I am writing these loving reminders, I am not thinking about you receiving them.
I am fully engaged in being with each word and the experience of letting it flow through me.
When I am writing these loving reminders, there is no time, no space, no separation.
I am one with the process, in the flow, freely giving and fully receiving it all.
I am happy.
I am at peace.
I am in love.
I am One.
I am Being with All That I Am.
Betty Lue