If you were to grade yourself on your loving, how would you do?
What are the places that you love really well?
Who isn’t receiving unconditional love from you?
How can you undo the places where you are blocking love?
What I get about people is that they have learned unloving habits.
Children are taught to be careful with love and they fear being rejected.
Adults learn to withhold love because they fear being disappointed.
Parents learn to use their withdrawal of love as a punishment.
How do you want to be loved?
Teach love by treating others with the Love you want.
How do you want to be motivated?
Inspire others by giving Love the way that inspires you.
While it is true we are all different, our needs for love are the same.
While it is true, we live in a different time and culture, everyone is benefited from being loved.
While it is true, some push away, challenge and even avoid being loved, everyone needs Love.
It is up to the most conscious ones, me and you, to Love through all obstacles and challenges.
So stop bullying, threatening and withholding Love.
Stop criticizing, hurting and offending others.
Stop comparing, negating and demoralizing others.
Stop shaming and blaming, and making others feel guilty.
These learned behaviors never work.
They only create fear and humiliation, anger and resentment.
These habits of unconsciousness simply turn people off.
They cause more fear and less love for themselves and others.
The time is now to forgive ourselves for our unloving habits.
The time is now to simply love loving others.
The time is now to open up the channels to love.
The time is now to bless and release our reasons for not loving.
It is through expanding our willingness and capacity to love through all barriers that we become Great!
It is by release the resistance to Loving that we strengthen our power to Love.
It is by clearing our “Lovesclerosis” that we find energy, vitality and radiant health.
It is in pardoning, understanding, giving and loving that we recognize our own Goodness.
Love is the answer to all questions.
Love is the healing of all our wounds.
Love is the power that undoes all fear.
Love is the Gift that recognizes our Greatness.
I am loving you and me and all as one,
Betty Lue
The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to LOVE!