When you see the perfection in life, it is in you, too!
When you know the Truth of Love, it is in you, too!
When you feel the warmth of being loved, it is in you, too!
We are part of everything and everything is a part of us.
When we have forgiven and cleared the yucky stuff with forgiveness, “the cosmic enema”, (Laugh*)
we see with innocent eyes only the Love and the call for Love.
When we trust in the Love in us, we see it in everyone.
Yes, the Love in which and for which we are all created,
Lives in every one. even those who are afraid, angry and hurting.
Yes, the Love you know you have withheld at times, is hidden in so many.
Yes, the Love in you will shine through when you remember it is safe to Love.
This essence of Life, the Love we are is the God Presence.
It is not absent, but everywhere present, even where we can see it not.
This Love Power is inviting us to know it, to see it, to reclaim it, to be it.
This Love (God) is all powerful and all present and all knowing.
It is our work, our spiritual vocation to call it forth.
First we must encourage its appearance and emergence in us.
We must let go of all blocks to giving Love and receiving Love.
We must undo the fears and tears, the resentment and anger.
From a place of knowing our own Loving Essence and removing our blocks to love
We can understand and have compassion for others who are withholding their Love.
Then we create a safe place of trust and freedom where others can release their barriers.
We invite the Love Light to shine in everyone by shining our own ever bright.
When you know the Truth, you can see it and believe the Good in all.
When you remember you are Love, you can see it and believe Love in everyone.
When you live the Truth of Love, you can call out the Truth in Love in others.
When you are what you know, you remember when others have forgotten.
What you see is what you believe.
Believe in Love and you will see Love.
I believe in you,
Betty Lue
Another view of Sofi’s first ballet recital.
See what 3 and 4 yr olds can do. So precious. May we all be stars in our own life show.
Let it be exactly the act we enjoy and appreciate. Remember what you see is in you, too!