On June 6, 1944, the allies invaded Normandy and called it D Day.( first day of an invasion) with 5000 ships, 13, 000 aircraft and 160, 000 troops. World War II.
Last night here in Rio Vista we experienced a lighting and thunder storm that rattled the windows and lit up the sky for maybe 30 minutes.
It felt like the earth’s re-enactment of a war zone without the loss of life and devastation. Scary for some and inspiring for us.
Last night our President gave a speech which may have been received as an awakening a call for peace instead of a call to arms.
We are in a stormy time of choosing new beginnings, a new world order, a new way of reaching decisions or simply reworking the old, the tried and what is “true” for us historically.
What if we, you and I, begin to use every storm in life to wake up (as we did in the middle of the night) to forgive ourselves for all our past failed attempts at peace and harmony.
What if we let go of our useless and out-moded concepts of what is right and allow a new vision to take hold.
What if we stop clinging to “our way” and ask for a “better way”.
What if we release our need to be better than, more powerful than, and wiser than, and learn to listen.
What if we stop deciding for others and simply are hones about what we really choose for ourselves.
What if we claim our own “honest and loving” intention, and stop trying to get others to state theirs.
What if we live our life on purpose and with genuine inner contentment, instead of demanding of others.
What if we lead by example rather than be arguing, convincing, advising or even running the show.
What if we find our inner peace, before we try to “make peace”.
Life is certainly teaching us all the time.
I only seek to be an open and willing students.
I intend to have and give the best I know.
I am willing to consistently learn to love everyone, including myself.
I feel blessed to easily and quickly let go of mistakes and let them each and all teach me.
Loving you in our curiosity and willingness to seek and find “better” ways to live and love,
Betty Lue
Special !! With Betty Lue and Robert.Coming next Tuesday.
Reunion with Self: Finding Ones True Self is the key to authentic living, loving and giving.
Experience Harmony and Balance within!
This coming Tuesday eve., 7-9PM at Center for Conscious Living in Pleasant Hill.