The best plan is to listen to Spirit moment by moment and follow on the High Way.
Second best may be to plan events, activities and gatherings that feel happy.
Third best is to get things done and appreciate yourself with the rewards doing what you enjoy.
Last, victim stance is to let the time pass by being consumed with mistakes, problems and emergencies.
When we fill our lives with Good stuff, there is no room for messes and catastrophes.
When we leave no time for difficulties and contingency plans, life is fun, safe and easy.
When our minds are filled with creativity, fulfillment and appreciation, we cannot imagine upset.
When we live on purpose, off purposes do not occur.
What could you create in your life that would be so fulfilling and joyful that you could do it forever?
How could you live your life so that you would have no space to be unhappy, scared and upset?
When have you been at peace, truly happy and in love with yourself and your life?
How could you recreate your whole life to live in the ideal way every day?
Are you willing to undo the events, people and circumstances that distract, disappoint and delay you?
Are you open to letting go of what doesn’t work for you and only indulge in what is Good for you?
Are you honest about how you allow yourself to be victimized and at the effect of others?
Can you release the need to please others, to belong, to fit, to hang in there, to make it work?
Are you ready to be true to your whole self and give yourself the circumstances that heal and grow you?
Can you honestly reveal what keeps you stuck in serving outer cirumstances rather than inner peace?
Is there a possibility that you are living someone else’s expectations, demands and scheduling?
Would you be willing to design a life plan that is truly highest and best for You?
Life calls us to release (forgive) and choose again.
Life invites us to be willing to let go of yucky stuff.
Life encourages us to be our own person and let those who want to be with us to come.
Life is a process of easily and gently letting go of everything that isn’t life-giving and inspiring.
Summer is here.
Time for new beginnings.
Commit to give yourself what is best for you.
Remember what is best for you is best for others…….
Because it support you being happy healthy and helpful.
Loving You for being willing,
Betty Lue
Fun at the beach. Sofie is our very wise, conscious and caring 3 1/2 yr old grand daughter.
Make up your own fun games.
No toys, no tools, no instruction, no interference.