Robert and I wrote a song 20+ years ago “I am as God created me, whole and happy and free.”
Indeed the spiritual logic is the love begets itself. And perfection creates perfectly. God, the All Good, All Loving, All Present and All Powerful can create nothing less than itself. So how could we have wandered so far from this truth?
Imagine that humanity was so busy correcting perfection that it lost sight of the Perfect.
Imagine that parents so consumed with trying to make sure their child was OK, they imagined not OK.
In our imagination, our creative power, we can conceive and believe in what is wrong.
In our mind, our place of vision, we can buy into thoughts of evil and sin, and believe them into being.
If we keep looking for what is broken, we will make up brokenness.
If we keep trying to perfect what is already perfect, we will believe in imperfection.
If we tell a child they are stupid or clumsy, they will believe us and often act out those beliefs.
If we treat others in a fearful and defensive manner, we may convince them they are to be feared.
What we conceive and believe, we can achieve.
This works for the Good and for mistakes as well.
When we imagine there will be mistakes and believe it is true, it will be. (Self-fulfilling prophecy)
When we fear sickness, accident, injustice and difficulties will occur, they will surely arise.
Let’s turn it all around………
Look for miracles of Love and healing, joy and creation, beauty and Goodness.
Look for instant healing and amazing “impossible feats” of courage, adventure and limitlessness.
Look for the Good and Godliness in You and those around You.
Let’s raise our children and grandchildren by believing in their innate Goodness and Love.
Let’s model joy, appreciation and open-mindedness.
Let’s seek words and deeds that teach our world to be whole and happy and free once more.
Let’s go for a place where freedom and trust are natural again and life is fun, safe and easy.
I believe we can change our life experience and those around us one at a time.
I believe we are touching and teaching everyone everywhere when we simply remember.
I believe each one of us is a miracle of God’s Love and the Presence of unlimited Good Now.
I believe life is our time to remember and reclaim the Love and Goodness in which we are created.
I believe in You.
I believe you are whole.
I believe it is when we join in the Truth that we awaken.
I believe you are free to be All You Can Be right here and right now.
I am Loving YOU,
Betty Lue
Let’s teach everyone they are created whole and happy and free.