Everyone receives guidance differently, so you must practice to find your own right way. This is what I received today.
Dear God, Help me to keep my covenant with you that I might create a healing and holy life. May all who come into my presence and your Presence be awakened to what is your Will, to Happiness and Peace. What is your will for me this day and everyday?
Yes, Be happy and healthy. Glorify God and Good.
Turn away from evil, that which is not giving Life.
Forsake those things and activities which deplete, distract or delay you.
Give your faith to that which strengthens you spiritually as well as mentally and physically.
Allow no one and nothing to come between you and God.
Recognize all interference, doubt and questioning as what it is, fear coming into your assurance of Love.
You see in all things Love, perfect Trust and the freedom of choosing again. Love prevails.
Love is Real. Love sustains Life with or without the physical vehicle.
Only Love can save you and bring your Peace.
Love sets you free to fully be the naturally happy, energized and abundant child you are.
Yes, you are a Child of God, a Child created by Good as Good for Goodness sake.
Love her well and give her only reassurance, Happiness and Peace.
In this you have fulfilled God’s Law and Live in Holiness.
This blessed message I extend to all of you this day.
You can listen within and hear exactly what you need.
Ask and you will receive answers when you are wholly willing to follow.
Loving you with a heart that is True B’Lue,
Betty Lue