“Betty Lue, You are sending out reminders of gratitude, when the U.S. as well
as various parts of the world are falling into pandemonium…………….”
“The Real stuff costs no money and it lives not in the news but in our hearts.
And when we are grateful for what is Real, Right here and now, there is no lack.” Betty Lue
But what about the terrorists?
Stop them from doing harm to themselves or to others.
But what about disease and suffering?
Take care of them by offering peace, the real “healer”.
But what about people losing their homes?
Give them hope and help them rebuild.
But what about children who are hungry?
Feed them with your contributions, soup kitchens, gardens and education.
But what about the loss of jobs?
Let’s create job training, financial assistance and employment opportunities for everyone who loses job.
But what about the environmental pollution?
Teach each individual, starting with children to value our water, air, sun and earth.
But what about the national debt?
Let’s each do what we can to elect honest leaders, pay taxes and do good in our own communities.
But what about the depression and hostility and addiction raging in our culture?
Give everyone something to “do” to make the world better for others. Use the energy wisely.
But why is all of this happening?
Why is there so much mess in our world?
We have lost our way in the complexity of life.
We have forgotten the real values.
We have worked for money instead of principle.
We have given authority to those who seem more powerful rather than listen within to our inner authority.
We have competed with others for more money, more power and prestige.
This is our wakeup call.
Now is OUR TIME to remember.
Now is our time to step out in faith.
Now is our time to connect with others.
Now is our time to give and care and share.
We each can begin each day in a new and renewing way.
Wake up and enjoy what is.
Show up and remember to give.
Appreciate mightily what you want to be.
Love is the way to a brighter day,
Betty Lue